My Learning Experience
Registration for Workshop eL4C52
My fascination for Wikieducator promted me to underrtake this workshop so that I again polish the wiki skills, learn from peers, interact to get new ideas. I am creating content for Problem based Learning (PoBL)as I feel that this pedagogy can be adapted using wiki tools.
[| EL4C52]
Registration for Workshop eL4C51
I am thankful to Dr. Shreedhar,CEMCA to tell me about this Workshop. I immediately registered. The features, theme and people behind i.e the Facilitators and the Technical support kept me motivated to Experiment and develop Wiki Skills. I learnt about OER and the wonderful work that is going on globally. Kudos to New Zealand and Canada where the movement has picked up the desired momentum.
Trials with Pages
I tried various things. The follwing strategy made learning easy:
- Wiki Tutorials
- Adhereing to Schedule of Workshop
- Mails from Facilitators
- Visit to peers to see their experimentation and adopting new learning
- Learning from User pages and sandboxes of 20,000 + wiki peers
- All this helped and I am still learning.
- New features motivate me and I feel like adopting them
Viewing Peer Pages and other User Pages for Ideas
- Peeping into Peer Pages helps learning
- I kept the principle One has to get into Water to learn Swimming
- I liked various features on font , colour, boxes, frames and still learning
- Do visit my sandbox, there is lot of stuff I keep copying and storing for future use.
- I love the sandbox concept where like my chidhood I can build houses with sand and make new designs of houses
WikiEducator is my Mission !