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This resource is the fruit of my humble experience, research, and collaborative sharing with other teachers. Anyone with good intentions is welcome to add, change and/or correct any of the information. It is only intended to help teachers who find it difficult to adopt and integrate digital technologies in the classroom. --José Romão 16:08, 19 December 2009 (UTC)

Plan of Resource

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  • Teachers of pre-school ( ages 3 to 5 )
  • Teachers of 1 to 4 levels ( ages 6 to 9 )

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The Objectives are as follows:

  • Understand the possibilities of the integration of technologies in class
  • Creating basic products to use in lesson plans
  • Understand how to use the basic applications to create materials for classes
  • Be able to separate passive materials from collaborative work
  • Master the main applications in order to be able to teach students how to use them
  • Develop project ideas for the students which include different applications

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Key points

Resource Characteristics

  1. Subject: Education
  2. Topic: Integration of Educational technology
  3. Type of resource: Toolkit
  4. Sector: Preschool, School
  5. Level: Preschool ( 3 years to 5 years), School ( year 1 through year 6 )
  6. Intended Audience: Preschool and school teachers
  7. Learning hours: It depends on the type of experience teachers already have on most digital applications
  8. Complexity:
  • Easy ( for teachers who already use most available applications regarding text, mailing, photo, video, sound )
  • Intermediate ( for teachers who haven’t used most available applications regarding text, mailing, photo, video, sound )

School in the 21st century

We all know there has been a tremendous evolution in classrooms in the last four or five decades. Audio-visual in the 70’s and 80’s, computers in the late 80’s and 90’s and the web in the late 90’s and in this first decade of the 21st century…
But school has stayed behind. Is is difficult for a traditional structure to keep pace with new inventions and the tendency to favour easy acquisition of new gadgets by everyone, adolescents included. Maybe, just maybe, this is the main reason why most students think classrooms are monotonous. They feel they do not belong there. There is nothing new in what is offered to them by teachers using the traditional approach of teaching. That is why there is a movement among teachers to change that state of affairs.
John Medved's Opinion on Classrooms
So, this is a decision both schools and teachers have to take if they do not want to lose their students’ interest. They have to tackle a new approach and technologies are part of it. From what I have been witnessing in all the social networks I belong to, people are coming to the conclusion that there is no going back. We have to face reality and agree that we have to accept the new tools as ours parents had to accept audio-visual and its influence in society, and, as a consequence, in teaching.
Educators talking about new kids
  1. The situation in Portugal
  2. The situation in my school: Colégio de Alfragide
  3. The quiet revolution: from blogging into web 2.0
  4. What should teachers be doing?
  5. Web 2.0 and online education
    1. Passive Applications
    2. Interactive and Collaborative Applications

--José Romão 14:30, 19 December 2009 (UTC)
