Situation portugal

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The Situation in Portugal

In my country, the problem goes even deeper. There’s not much money to invest in new equipments and mentalities develop in a very slow motion. One has to agree that the government has made an effort in the last five to ten years and things are just starting to change, but still it is a very slow transformation. The ongoing campaign to provide a laptop to every student from the age of six to the age of 17 is something that will bear fruit in one or two decades, not now.
But we have to recognize that things are beginning to change. There are signs that teachers are getting together in groups, in ning communities such as Interactic 2.0. Facebook and twitter have been the place where people are getting together and following each other, exchanging points of view and collaborating. So, maybe things will change alltogether in the next two to five years.
But schools are a completeley different ball game, as things tend to develop in a very slow way due to inertia and resistance to new procedures, which is completely understandable. It is also quite common that our ciuntry is slow to respond to new trends.
Let's hope the "Technological Plan for Education" ( PTE in portuguese) doesn't go down the drain...

Plano Tecnológico
Equipa de Recursos e Tecnologias Educativas

--José Romão 14:29, 19 December 2009 (UTC)