Mahara Eportfolios/Activities

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Undertaking learning activities

A course built around eportfolios will require some rethinking of the learning design. There is an opportunity to use eportfolio-based tasks and assignments to develop students’ ability to reflect on, and present their learning; not to mention fostering their sense of pride and motivation as they gradually build a portrait or story of their skills, knowledge and achievements.

You may want to identify and map eportfolio tasks to key events in your Course Plan, and present these in your Course View. A common process is to design activities in which students develop a product (e.g. a document, report, photos, video, podcast, digital story), which is then uploaded to Mahara as an Artefact. Students may then write or record a Reflection in their Blog about what they have done. These can be shared with other students when they are added to a View.

You will probably refer to the following topics in the Mahara User Guide:

Artefacts: My Files, Upload a file, Tags, Create a Folder

Blogs: My Blogs, Create a Blog, Add a Blog Post, Add a file from My files, Upload a file to a Blog, Embed an image to a Blog post, View Blog, Blog comments

Views: My Views, Create a view, Step One – Details, Step Two – Layout block, Step Three – Configure block settings, Step Four – Assign Access to View, Providing a Link to a View.