Learning4Content/Workshops/Online schedule/eL4C37/Introductions
[hide]- 1 Patricia Schlicht
- 2 Dr. Gita Mathur
- 3 Ramesh Sharma
- 4 Vinod Kumar Kanvaria
- 5 Dr. Suresh Chandra Pachauri
- 6 Peter Jeschofnig
- 7 Sean Rogers
- 8 Deepak Prasad
- 9 Javed Yusuf
- 10 Santosh Panda
- 11 Gerard MacManus
- 12 Tero Toivanen
- 13 Kalpana Gupte
- 14 Karyn White
- 15 Connie M. Albiter
- 16 Panagiotis C. Stasinakis
- 17 Yogesh Nath
- 18 Fred Itogoot
- 19 Tibezinda Mary
- 20 Sharra Martin
- 21 Francis Glasgow
Patricia Schlicht
I have been working with Dr. Wayne Mackintosh, the founder of WikiEducator since the get go of the initiative, in May of 2006. I have since then gradually increased my understanding, skills and involvement in Open Education and the use of and integration of open source software. It has been a privilege to see how one country after another has made use of this technology to make a difference in their own environment. WikiEducator has become the most exciting experience of my professional career. I am passionate about learning. I actively facilitate online workshops on WikiEducator as community volunteer in my spare time, in an attempt to build capacity for WikiEducator around the globe. I am interested in social networking, culture/anthropology, open and distance learning/eLearning, community and capacity building. I am a philanthropist.Dr. Gita Mathur
My name is Dr. Gita Mathur. I am Associate Professor of Botany at Gargi College, University of Delhi, India. I have been a Botany teacher for more than 25 years. I am a trained Botanist, but over time my interests have diversified to issues related to environment, science education and innovations in teaching methodologies.I strongly believe in free access to educational content and in collaborative learning not only among peers but also between a student and a teacher.
Besides my academic responsibilities, I spend a lot of time working on innovations in teaching Botany including designing experiments which can be done with minimum facilities. I am very fond of photography, especially close-ups of plants and flowers.
WikiEducator has given me many friends & a whole lot of students at the global level. I would like to help everyone who believes in open education for all. Please visit my userpage by clicking on my name here. --Gita Mathur 04:15, 15 April 2010 (UTC) It is also great fun learning through these daily tutorials, with facilitators to help you online.
Please feel free to Email me
Ramesh Sharma
Greetings to all of you. I am Dr. Ramesh Sharma, currently working as Director, Distance Education, Institute of Distance and Continuing Education, University of Guyana, Goergetown, Guyana (South America). I am on leave from Indira Gandhi National Open University, India where I was working as Regional Director. I believe that through WikiEducator we can contribute to the OER movement. I look forward to work and learn more through this online workshop. You can contact me through my email ramesh@oerfoundation.org. With best wishes, RameshVinod Kumar Kanvaria
Hi, I am Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, Assistant Professor in Department of Education, University of Delhi I have more than eight years teaching experience from secondary school level to University level. My teaching areas are Educational Technology, Mathematics, Pedagogy of Mathematics, Experimental Education, Measurement and Evaluation. I have taught in Delhi Government Schools Directorate of Education, RIE, NCERT and University of Delhi as a permanent faculty member. My research interest areas are ICT and its use, Research Methodology, Pedagogy of Mathematics. I would like to meet people at Higher Education Level at different universities. With warm wishes to all. Vinodpr111Please feel free to Email me
Re: Hi Vinod. Welcome aboard. I am glad that we were able to overcome the initial difficulties and you are part of the exciting course. A warm welcome. --Patricia Schlicht 23:48, 17 April 2010 (UTC)
(: Welcome Vinod, it is a pleasure to see your page progress so fast. You even managed your photo upload......great. Warm wishes --Gita Mathur 18:05, 18 April 2010 (UTC)) (: Hi Vinod, it is nice to know about you. Pedagogy of Mathematics is an interesting area, we are trying to have an online course in Mathematics. With best wishes --Ramesh 11:36, 19 April 2010) (: Yeah Dr Ramesh, I agree, Mathematics is really a very interesting area and itz queen of all the sciences. Hope we will meet in some pedagogy of Mathematics online or F2F workshop. --Vinodpr111 13:00, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Dr. Suresh Chandra Pachauri
Hi, I am Dr. Suresh Chandra Pachauri, Assistant Professor in Department of Education, SGRR (PG) College, Dehradun. I have more than ten years teaching experience from secondary school level to College level. My teaching areas are Educational Technology, Pedagogy of Hindi, Experimental Education. My research interest areas are Teacher Education and its use, Research Methodology. I am chief editor of an international journal of Education and allied sciences, ISSN 0975-8380. I have credit of three books, 10 research papers and articles published in Journals of national fame. I have presented more than two dozen papers in various national and international seminars, workshops and conferences in India. I am life member of different associations related to Teacher Education & I am presently secretary of Council of Teacher Educators for the state of Uttrakhand. I am Program In-charge of B.Ed IGNOU, at Study Centre – 3732 (P), Dehradun. I am interested in social networking, and I am also associated with many social organizations. I would like to meet people at Higher Education Level at different universities.Please feel free to Email me
(: Welcome to WikiEducator Dr. Pachauri. You will find this very suitable for your education & related research interests. I would like to suggest that you develop your page in this workshop. I read through your detailed CV on your page, and find it very suitable for meaningful interactions at this forum.
I saw you are trying to put your photograph, it was not visible because you have to keep the same file name as you used for uploading. This will come in later days' instructions ....good efforts. Warm wishes --Gita Mathur 17:49, 18 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Glad you could make it to our training, Dr. Pachauri. I am sure you will find this training beneficial and eye opening. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 00:01, 19 April 2010 (UTC)) (: Hello Dr Pachauri, Welcome to this workshop and I am sure that you will find it very interesting. It is good to know that you are PIC of IGNOU B.Ed. Centre, that gives you an experience of working in both f2f and DE settings. With best wishes --Ramesh 12:04, 19 April 2010)
Peter Jeschofnig
I am Peter Jeschofnig, Ph.D., professor emeritus (of science) at Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs, CO. Although I recently retired from full-time teaching, I still teach online science classes for Colorado Mountain College and CCC-OnLine. For over 15 years I have developed and taught chemistry and physics distance learning classes in a variety of formats, from interactive video and hybrid courses to 100% online courses. During my 1994-95 and 2003-04 sabbaticals I taught at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia and the University of Namibia as Fulbright professor. I have published numerous articles in professional journals and presented at more than 30 national and international conferences. My areas of interest are environmental chemistry, the promotion of science education in general, and the teaching of lab science courses at a distance in particular. (: Dear Peter. Welcome to WikiEducator. It is nice to know that we have quite a few experienced online teacher on aboard this time around. Enjoy this new learning opportunity. Looking forward to your contributions. Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 00:03, 19 April 2010 (UTC))(: Dear Peter, I see that you are trying to add your photo Here. You are doing the right thing, now upload your file to wikieducator by clicking on the 'Upload file' in the left panel. It will appear on this page after that. You may like to add it to your userpage first. --Gita Mathur 02:01, 19 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Greetings Peter. Welcome to online workshop. I am sure we all will benefit by your experiences of having developed and taught Sciences courses as hybrid and fully online. Please add your tips and work details on your user page. With best wishes --Ramesh 12:09, 19 April 2010)
Sean Rogers
Good Day I am Sean Rogers, Managing Director of Genesis Innovative Solution Ltd which is situated in Trinidad. I design and implement telecommunications networks for enterprise businesses, Government organizations, educational institutions. Consultancy is part of my business profile in which I advice and instruct CEOs and IT managers of non-profit and profit organizations of the type of network they should implement in their organization, which would facilitate their communications and computing needs. Since 2004, I have been developing and teaching structural and fiber optical cable technology face to face but I would like to take this training online.I am interested in social networking, culture,religion,family,development of males,open and distance learning/e-Learning solution, community and capacity building. I am a humanitarian and concerned about the development of the Caribbean region in every aspect especially the youth of the Caribbean region. (: Dear Sean. Good to see you hear again. You have quite an interesting background. It is every time we learn something new. Welcome again. Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 00:04, 19 April 2010 (UTC)) (: Dear Patricia, it great to be here again and yes it is every time we do learn something new that the benefits of a developing friendship -- Sean Rogers 20:22, 19 April 2010)
(: Good Day, Sean. I agree with you on community and capacity building for the youth of Caribbean region. Hope through this platform we will develop some program for it. With best wishes --Ramesh 12:13, 19 April 2010) (: Dear Ramesh, it a pleasure to meeting you and I do hope that we can develop some programs through the WIKI platform -- Sean Rogers 20:26, 19 April 2010)
Deepak Prasad
Hello, I am Deepak Prasad, an Education Technologist from University of the South Pacific. I assist in the educational design and development of course materials for flexible delivery. I also provide Moodle support to USP students and staff. I have over 6 years of experience in teaching computer studies in various secondary schools. I have obtained qualifications in Engineering, Education and Education Technology from USP and University of Southern Queensland. I am interested in ICT and its application in open and distance learning. Please feel free to Email me(: Hi Deepak. A warm welcome to Wikieducator. You are certainly going to be happy here. WE has many others from a global community of teachers & educators actively involved in developing OER's. Click on your name above & start adding to your userpage. --Gita Mathur 05:27, 19 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Hi Deepak, Welcome to WikiEducator. WikiEducator has a lot to offer to educators around the world. Once you see the potential and what it can do, you will realise it is a wonderful took that works very well. Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 03:21, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Javed Yusuf
Hello, I am Javed,an education technologist at University of the South Pacific assisting in the development of courseware for flexible delivery. I also provide Moodle support for USP students and staff. I have qualifications in computer science, information systems and educational technology. I have close to 5 years of experience working in distance education environment, first at a regional campus and secondly at USP's Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning. My broad field of interest is in ICT in education, ICT for development, educational design, delivery and evaluation, and Web2.0 tools. (: Hi Javed Yusuf, welcome to wikieducator. You can open your page by clicking on your name above & start adding content. Hope you will enjoy this workshop. --Gita Mathur 05:49, 19 April 2010 (UTC))(: Dear Javed, Glad to welcome you to WikiEducator. There is much you can bring to WikiEducator with your experience. Welcome aboard. Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 03:23, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Santosh Panda
Hi. I am Santosh, working as a professor of distance education and director, Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning CFDL, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji--a regional university owned by 12 memebr countries. We offer distance and flexible learning to about 50% of all the students of the university scattered in all the 12 countries, with a mix of print, tutorials, teleconferencing, and Moodle online. Most of our courses are in blended mode--fully DFL, Moodle supporting F2F courses, fully Moodle online, and a combination of these as per student choice. I have about 26 years of experience--teaching at a conventional university for 3 years; at the Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOUfor about 20 years including three times being Director; Director of Policy and Research at the Association of Indian Universities AIU; have been a Fulbright Scholar at the University of New Mexico UNM, USA; had been trained at BBC, UK; and has been visiting professor in a few universities including MMU MMU-IGNOU Project and UoL, UK. I am a staff developer and researcher in 'distance education' (and known by many terminologies), and have particular intertest in instructional design using WikiEducator from this workshop. We had done some work on faculty training at the Bangladesh Open University using WikiEd BOU Project, and would like to extend that here too. My website Santosh website(: Hello Dr. Santosh Panda. It is so nice to have a person with such experience & distinctions at our workshop. From your userpage, we can see that you joined WE in May 2009. Please fill up your details on your userpage so that other WE members can interact with you. Warm welcome to this workshop. --Gita Mathur 09:32, 19 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Hi Professor Panda. Welcome and I am sure it will be a great session to work with you. With best wishes --Ramesh 12:16, 19 April 2010) <br? (: Dear Prof. Panda, A warm welcome to WikiEducator. It is wonderful to have you in this session. I think you might find the experience eye-opening. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 03:24, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Gerard MacManus
My name is Gerard, and I am a ICT teacher in Auckland, New Zealand. My goal through this course is to learn as much as I can about wikis as we are moving towards a variety of open source software at our School. I am currently the administrator and trainer of our schools moodle implementations, we have two that we are using, one is the moodleinschools.org.nz version, which we have installed and are working through developing, the other is a commericially developed installation that we are helping develop through our relationship with the company. Both of these include the use of wikis. We have an English department that looking at using these installations with interest as a way of developing literacy.--Taskmaker 08:09, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi Gerard, welcome to this workshop. WikiEducator free online L4C workshops are the ideal place to learn about Wikis, ICT's & OER's. Click on your name above & start adding content. Hope to see your userpage grow with each day. --Gita Mathur 09:36, 19 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Dear Gerard, You will have already realised that we are quiet a crowd of dedicated professional who believe in the community. Once you realise how strong our community is and what it can do, you will be amazed. Warm wishes --Patricia Schlicht 03:25, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Tero Toivanen
My name is Tero Toivanen. I am a Special Education Teacher. Currently I am working in the Kilonpuisto School in Espoo, Finland as a special education teacher teaching autistic pupils. My passion is learning more about teaching and learning every day. I use web 2.0 tools in my teaching and want to learn more about the use of wikis. I love sharing knowledge and experiences with other passionate teachers and learners. This is also a great way to know new interesting people! --Teromakotero 16:38, 19 April 2010 (UTC)(: Hi Tero, Welcome. We look forward to hear more from you on your work in Finland as a special education teacher teaching autistic pupils. With best wishes --Ramesh 11:36, 19 April 2010)
(: Dear Tero, Good to see you again. Always a pleasure. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 03:27, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Kalpana Gupte
Hello, I am Kalpana Gupte. I work in Indira Gandhi National Open University at one of its Regional Centres in Pune, India. I have been working here since 1997 and am involved in the delivery of the various programmes through the study centres. Printed Self Instructional Materials are still the major component although there are many programmes which are now being offered in online mode. I am not very much used to using technology and hope that this workshop will introduce me to the use of wikis and the OER movement. I see that most of the other participants have very wide experience and look forward to learning a lot in the days to come.--Kalpanagupte 17:36, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
(: Hi Kalpana, welcome to this workshop. Nice to see and meet my colleague from my previous office. I can assure you that there is lot to learn on developing wiki skills and on OER, and also from the experiences of other colleagues. Keep updating your user page too. With best wishes --Ramesh 14:36, 19 April 2010)
Thanks, Sir. Great way to meet sitting so many miles away and try to learn somemore. --Kalpana Gupte 12:18, 20 April 2010 (UTC)
(: Dear Kalpana. Welcome aboard. I am glad that a nice colleague of ours (s,ile!) invited you to come. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 03:28, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Karyn White
Kia Ora. My name is Karyn White. I am an English teacher and Whanau Leader at Alfriston College[1], a 7 year old co-ed state secondary school in Manukau City, NZ. I am using wikis, a blog and a ning with my English classes to encourage ubiquitous learning and a more collaborative approach to learning where we all contribute to the learning, it does not all come from me! I am keen to know more about wikieducator as a learning tool and to find ways for my students to connect with learning/knowledge on a global level.(: Karyn, Welcome to WikiEducator. Many enthusiastic English teachers are on WE and you will soon start collaborating. Work on daily activities during this workshop and you will find others and they will find you. Enjoy the workshop & develop your wiki skills. --Gita Mathur 10:41, 20 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Hello Karyn, Seeing a photograph is like meeting you in person. Great Progress, you are doing fine. Warm wishes--Gita Mathur 17:48, 20 April 2010 (UTC)) {br>
(: Hi Karyn. You have jumped in with both feet and will find the learning experience quite exciting as we go along. Welcome on board. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 03:29, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Connie M. Albiter
Connie M. Albiter. I'm an Instructional Technologist and I work for a engineering company in Montreal. At the moment I'm responsible for the development and implementation of a small eLearning project in Moodle. I'm also a freelance Instructional Designer and I want to learn more about wiki pages. I'm looking forward to expand my knowledge about these tools for collaboration and to contribute in any way I can.(: Welcome to WikiEducator and this Workshop. Connie you are doing fine, this is the right place to learn & develop your Wiki Skills. Click on your name above & start adding to your userpage --Gita Mathur 01:42, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Dear Connie. Glad you could come in, to explore Wikieducator and what it has to offer. I am sure it will not disappoint you. Warm wishes, --Patricia Schlicht 03:30, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
Panagiotis C. Stasinakis
Panagiotis C. Stasinakis. I'm a biology Teacher in Secondary Education from Greece. I work on Web2.0 (Blogs, Wikis, etc) trying to integrate all this technology in my class. It is a diffucult but creative way. I work for n public institution here in Greece for teachers education using Moodle. I'm looking forward to expand my knowledge about these tools and collaborate with people all over the world.(: Welcome to WikiEducator Panagiotis. You are a quick learner. Nice to see that you have uploaded your photo also. I am very happy to have another Biologist aboard. I am a Botanist & am using WE just the way you want to use WE. Cheers! Click on your name above to go to your Userpage . Add content there & we will start collaborating.--Gita Mathur 04:52, 21 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Dear Panagiotis. A warm welcome to the Wiki. I see you are no stranger to Wiki technology. I also see that you and Gita have made contact. Wiki Neighbours are very important in the Wiki and you might be able to help each other. Welcome aboard. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 02:43, 22 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Dear Gita & Patricia nice to meet both of you. I have use wiki technology before, so i know basics of wikis. I am here basically for collaboration and ideas exchanging. Best wishes.--Panagiotis Stasinakis 08:46, 25 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Dear Panagiotis, It is nice to know that you are here for collaboration. Let us get started with your page. Please fill up details & your Infobox. You have not yet added anything to your userpage --Gita Mathur 10:29, 25 April 2010 (UTC)) (: Dear Gita. You are wright. But i am trying to complete the tasks of each day, according to emails reveiced by you or Patricia. As soon as possible i will create my userpage. Thank you for interesting--Panagiotis Stasinakis 11:57, 25 April 2010 (UTC))
Yogesh Nath
My name is Yogesh Nath. I work at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji. The University of the South Pacific, is one of only two regional universities in the world.
My role includes developing multimedia component for web, CD/DVD. I also look after web site development. My qualifications includes a Bachelor's degree in E-Commerce and Multimedia and Post-Graduate in Information Systems.
My interest include exploring new technologies, playing soccer, swimming and travelling. I am a member of New Zealand Computer Society. I look forward to meeting other participants in this course and hope to learn something new.
(: You are developing your userpage well Yogesh. Keep adding. On this page meet your co-participants & leave messages for them. Enjoy this & make wikifriends.--Gita Mathur 01:50, 22 April 2010 (UTC))
(: Great start, Yogesh. You are on your way of becoming a skilled WikiMaster. Warm wishes--Patricia Schlicht 02:44, 22 April 2010 (UTC))
Fred Itogoot
Fred Itogoot
My name is Fred Itogoot. I have been teaching at St. Peter's Nkokonjeru S.S. teaching School Students,I qualified with a diploma in education from one of the colleges of Kyambogo University. I received mail about wikis from a kind 'friend' and decided to give it a try since I was encouraged by somebody I had not even known, so out of curiosity I decided to join. I am happy that I have joined wiki educator and I hope to make a contribution in this regard of open education resource. I want to make a contribution towards our education so I will muster courage to ask you members out there to come in whenever I need you. MY interest is IT I am an enthusiast in this regard.
(: Hi Fred. Welcome to WikiEducator. Yes, this is the right place for giving the learners your contributions while getting their inputs. WE community is full of HELPERS called WikiNeighbours, so feel free to ask for help. --Gita Mathur 01:35, 23 April 2010 (UTC))
Tibezinda Mary
Hullo, this is Tibezinda Mary in Uganda. I am glad to be a part of this training.
(: Hello Tibezinda Mary. Welcome to this online workshop. We are are also glad to have you in this programme. Please feel free to contact us in case of any help you need to build your page. Best regards, --Ramesh Sharma 10:20, 23 April 2010)
(: It Is a pleasure to see you pick up so fast.--Gita Mathur 18:11, 24 April 2010 (UTC))
Sharra Martin
Kia Ora, My name is Sharra Martin. I am a Learning Leader at Alfriston College in Auckland, New Zealand. I graduated with a degree in Sport Science from the University of Auckland and then went on to do a teaching Diploma at AUT. I am currently teaching year 9 -13 Science (13-18yr olds) and my speciality is Physics. We are starting to set up courses on moodle and i am hoping that learning how to use wikieducator might help me with this. I also like the collaborative aspect of this course and the idea that learning can be done anywhere, anytime and at your own pace. I have a friend who had taken this course and recommended it to me as a tool that would be great to help out in the classroom. I dont know what to expect and am concerned that i am not technologically advanced enough for this but will give it a go.
(: Hi Sarra. Welcome to this workshop & WikiEducator. You will surely learn collaborative aspect of teaching-learning here. Just work on the tutorials one at a time . Do this on your userpage & WE community will help you. Warm wishes--Gita Mathur 05:52, 26 April 2010 (UTC))
(: As I am the one who recommended this course and am even less technologically capable than you, I think you'lldo great as soon as you find the time to work through the tutorials. ----Faye Booker 07:41, 30 April 2010 (UTC))
Francis Glasgow
I am the Deputy Director of the Institute of Distance & Continuing Education, University of Guyana. My job is primarily administrative. However teaching and research activities are also done. I am happy to be part of this training exercise which will assist in sharpening my skills in online delivery of courses.
(: Welcome aboard.--Gita Mathur 17:00, 27 April 2010 (UTC))