Talk:Learning4Content/Workshops/Online schedule/eL4C37/Introductions

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Why the text is green?106:48, 21 April 2010
«no subject»117:13, 20 April 2010
Attitude not the lack of facility and knowledge022:18, 16 April 2010

Why the text is green?

I was trying to fix it, but I couldn't. What is wrong? --Teromakotero 18:36, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Teromakotero (talk)06:36, 21 April 2010

The text is green when facilitators leave a note. Your added text will be black. You will soon learn to change the colour of the text in the coming days--Gita Mathur 18:48, 20 April 2010 (UTC).

Gita Mathur (talk)06:48, 21 April 2010

«no subject»

Hullo, I am Tibezinda Mary from Uganda. I heard about this wiki educator from an e-learning training I attended at my place of work, Makerere University.

Tibezindam (talk)23:32, 19 April 2010

Welcome to this workshop. Please ask if you have any doubts. --Gita Mathur 05:13, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)17:13, 20 April 2010

Attitude not the lack of facility and knowledge

I think itz the lack of attitude but not the lack of facility, knowledge and awareness which is hindering the use of ICT at mass grassroot level. What do you think????????

Vinodpr111 (talk)22:18, 16 April 2010