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By the end of this page you will be able to:

  • Understand how a radio button is created

Commonly used iteration functions

Javascript iteration functions are very similar to those used in C++

The three commonly used iteration functions are:

while (condition) {……..}
for (initialisation, condition, increment) {……}
do {………} while (condition)

while ... (js3_01)

<head><title>JavaScript (js3_01)</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
var intI = 0;
while (intI <= 5){
  document.write("The number is " + intI);
  document.write("<br />");
<p><b>i</b>  equal to 0.</p> 
<p>While <b>intI</b> is less than , or equal to, 5, <br />
  the loop will continue to run.</p> 
<p><b>intI</b> will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.</p> 

Example :Click here to run js3_01.

for ... (js3_02)

<head><title>JavaScript (js3_02)</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
for (intI = 0; intI <= 5; intI++){
  document.write("The number is " + intI);
  document.write("<br />");
<p>The for loop sets <b>intI</b>  equal to 0.</p>
<p>As long as <b>intI</b> is less than , or equal to, 5, <br/>
   the loop will continue to run.</p>
<p><b>intI</b> will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.</p> 

Example :Click here to run js3_02.

do ...while (js3_03)

<head><title>JavaScript (js3_03)</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
intI = 0;
do {
  document.write("The number is " + intI);
  document.write("<br />");
while (intI <= 5)
<p><b>intI</b>  equal to 0.</p>
<p>The loop will run</p>
<p><b>intI</b> will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.</p>
<p>While <b>intI</b> is less than , or equal to, 5, <br/>
  the loop will continue to run.</p>

Example :Click here to run js3_03.

Using an inline function

In the previous example the JavaScript was embedded in the code. How can you make the html/JavaScript easier to read? We can do this by separating the JavaScript from the html code by using a function. (This could be improved further by having the JavaScript stored in a linked .js file)

<title>JavaScript (js3_04)</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function fnLoopy() {
  for (intI = 0; intI <= 5; intI++){
    document.write("The number is " + intI);
    document.write("<br />");
<script type="text/javascript">fnLoopy();</script>
<p>The for loop sets <b>intI</b>  equal to 0.</p>
<p>As long as <b>intI</b> is less than , or equal to, 5, <br/>
   the loop will continue to run.</p>
<p><b>intI</b> will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.</p> 

Example :Click here to run js3_04.


Exercise 1: Check box using iteration (js2_05 modified)

Modify the following program to use an iteration technique in fnCheck. Note the values have been changed to the cost of each item. Assume this is a daily order and only get none or one of each (e.g. you probably would by cream and sugar daily).

<script type="text/javascript">
function fnCheck() {
  var strX = "";
for(inti=0; inti<3; inti++)
 if (objDrink[inti].checked) {strX = strX + objDrink[inti].value +" ";};
  alert("You have selected: " +strX);
<form name="frmChoose">
<input type="checkbox" name="chkDrinks" value="2.50" />Milk<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chkDrinks" value="4.50" />Cream<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chkDrinks" value="2.00" />Sugar<br />
<input type="button" value="Order" onClick="fnCheck()" />

Example :Click here to run js2_05.

VmvIcon References.png References

virtualMV  |  Superquick wiki guide  |  Please give me some feedback

VirtualMV/JavaScript/Iteration. (2025). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from http:    (zotero)