Workshop Home page - 16 - 18 March 2009
[Botswana L4C workshop]
Website: | | ||
Employer: | Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning | ||
Occupation: | Manager - Multimedia and Production | ||
Other roles: | Member of the National e-Learning Steering Committee | ||
Nationality: | Motswana | ||
Country: | Botswana | ||
This page will contain information about projects that the College is currently working on.
About Myself
My Name is Lekopanye Tladi (Mr), I work for the Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning (BOCODOL). My e-mail adress is:
I Completed BEd(Siencc) degree majoring in Physics in 1988 from University of Botswana and taught Science from 1988 to 1993. I completed an MEd. specialising in Educational Media Management, from Ohio University Athens, Ohio USA in 1995. Upon completing studies I worked for the the Department of Curriculum Development and Evaluation in the Ministry of Education as a Principal Education Officer II responsible for Media and Evaluation from 1995 – 2003. During this time I superviced production of Instructional material including DTP, Printing and Distribution of material. I was also responsible for coordinating Research and Publications activitiies of the Department. I have been an External Verifyer for IT & Multimedia and Key Skills Vocational Courses in the Quality Assurance and Assessment Unit –of the Ministry of Education from 2003 to 2006. In January 2004 I joined Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning (BOCODOL) as Media Coordinator until 2007 when I was promoted to the position of Manager in the new Department of Multimedia and Production.
Job Responsibilities
I manage a department that is responsible for the Design and Layout of all college Print material as well as development of audio, video and e-learning material for use by the institution’s ever increasing learner base. This department also provides in-house printing services with use of high speed heavy-duty copiers, as well as technical assistance for outsourced printing jobs. My Responsibility is to manage both the production facilities and Human resources in the department to ensure utilisation of appropriate and cost effective technologies in the production of multimedia materials to facilitate timely delivery of quality support material.
Workshops and Seminars
Over the past 20 Years of my service in Government and as an employee of BOCODOL, I have had an opportunity to participate in a number of Regional Information and Communication Technology conferences and workshops as well as Distance Education and Copyright Related discussions in a number of forums. The list below indicates just a few of some of these:-
1. Secondary Schools Computerisation Workshop - December 16 – 20, 1996: Maseru, Lesotho
2. Information and Communication Technology in Education - February 2 – 6, 1998: Ezulweni, Swaziland
3. Information and Communication Technology Initiatives in Education - February 21 – 25, 2000: Mauritius
4. Wesite Development & Hosting for Southern African Countries - March 10 – 14, 2003: Harare, Zimbabwe
5. Distance Education and Network Communications Workshop for African Educators - September 4 – 23, 2003: Jilin, China
6. Introduction to Publishing and Team Building Workshop: 9 – 12 March 2004, BOCODOL, Gaborone, Botswana.
7. The Commonwealth of Learning – Roundtable. “Forum on Open Schooling for Secondary Education” October 5 – 8, 2004: Gaborone, Botswana
8. Warehousing & Distribution Workshop 12 – 13 April, 2005: Marcusevans, BOCODOL, Botswana.
9. eIFL-IP Advocacy for Access to Knowledge: Copyright and Related Isssues Workshop - 25 – 26 November 2005, Kampala, Uganda
10. African Copyright Forum Conference - “Copyright and Access to Infromation” - 28 – 30 November 2005, Kampala, Uganda
11. e-Learning Africa Conference: Building Infrastructures and Capacities to Reach out to the Whole of Africa :- 28th to 30th May 2007, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
My most useful web links will go here: |
Notes from my Wikineighbours
Hi Lekopanye, wellcome to WikiEducator. I'm your WikiNeighbour.
You might be interested to meet more wiki-colleagues.. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. Visit WikiEducator FAQs. Gladys Gahona.--chela5808 18:32, 19 March 2009 (UTC)