Understanding a PU Student: Characteristics and Problems

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Role clarity is an essential requirement for effective performance. There has been considerable confusion in the minds of young lecturers as to what they are expected to perform and with what responsibility. If on one hand, some think that teaching a few hours is the sole responsibility of a P U College lecturer, there are others who are a little more liberal in their outlook to think that they are also to evaluate the performance of their students. This module would clarify to you the roles and responsibilities of a lecturer.

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As a faculty of DIET, you are aware that ICT in general and E-media in particular have entered school and teacher education in a big way. Not only does the governments want the potential of E-media to be exploited for addressing the issues of elementary education, the private players have entered the field and are investing huge amount of money. It is in this background that you must be able to respond to the challenges of using ICT and E-media as effective tools of education. This section provides you with some of the basic possibilities and know how regarding E-media. They are only introductory and the more you use ICT more possibilities would start appearing before you.

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After going through the sections mentioned above and completing the activities suggested, you would be able to;

  1. Appreciate the usefulness of e-media in school and teacher education
  2. Enhance your skills in using e-media for variou purposes of education
  3. Understand the scope of e-media and the future possibilites in the field
  4. Become a regular user of e-media

Why this project?

This is a collaborative effort of the 'Regional Institute of Education, Mysore' and the 'Department of Pre-University Education, Bangalore' to provide in-service professional development inputs for the lecturers of the Junior Colleges in Karnataka. This need was primarily felt by the department since the existing recruitment rules do not make a professional degree in teaching mandatory for becoming a lecturer. It is also true that the existing Bachelor of Education programme does not cater to the requirements of a P U lecturer since it is primarily aimed at preparation of secondary school teachers

It is felt that the lecturers at the +2 level have diverse needs for in-service professional development. Broadly they may be classified as 'Content Enrichment' and 'Training in Methodology of Teaching'. This programme is visualised as a generic training in methodology of teaching at P U level.

What is an Induction Programme?

In-service teacher education programmes are of various kinds. Induction programme, Orientation programme, Refresher programme, etc. An induction programme is that programme which provides inputs necessary for a person to start performing certain functions expected of him/her. It may have awareness inputs, attitudinal inputs and competency development inputs.The induction programme for DIET faculty, therefore, would provide inputs necessary for a person to perform functions expected of him/her in a DIET.

In the news


The Modules of this training are arranged under the following three areas

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The PU Lecturer is required to register online as well as by post by filling the REGISTRATION FORMAT enclosed.
  1. The DSERT would organise an orientation programme to the participants on the training package, procedures to be followed, etc.
  2. Upon receiving confirmation, the faculty is required to work online with the material, preferably area by area, and complete the activities/ tasks as per instructions provided.
  3. Each section has a suggested time for completion. Even though you are free to proceed at your own pace, the time frame may be kept in mind for maintaining efficiency and for enabling face-to-face programme to be scheduled.


The programme inputs of this web based induction programme consists of (1) Primary texts, pdf file attachments and AV clippings developed by the online facilitators, (2) Pages from relevent internet sites under different sections, (3) Video clippings on different topics and for different training objectives, (4) All assignments are also provided under 'Self Check and Evaluation' on the main page, (5) The Book Shelf has a collection of relevent material and also consists of four activities to be accomplished by you during the training, (6) Web Resources provides you with connections to internet sites which could help you as a DIET faculty, (7) You can get to know about the online facilitators and their e-mail ID by opening online facilitators on main page

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Have you ever searched the internet? Have you any idea what is available on the internet which may be of interest to your profession? It is time you start searching the web. You can follow the steps given below and begin your search.

  1. Log on to internet.
  2. Open Internet Explorer or any other Navigation tool.
  3. You will find an address bar. Click there. The blinker appears.
  4. Type www.google.com (this is a search engine. You may type the name of any other search engine too. But google is very versatile.) It is necessary to write www in the address bar.
  5. The google page opens. You will find a small address bar there. Now type whatever you want to search for. Type, for example, Karnataka Education.
  6. Now the search engine returns list of sites. You can click any for more details.

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See this video to know how to go about