Roles and Responsibilities of a PU Lecturer

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Roles and Responsibilities of a PU Lecturer



A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. ~Anon

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. ~Jacques Barzun

A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism. ~Louis A. Berman

A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Anon

Pre-University education is a very important stage in the educational ladder of students. This stage is considered so because PU entitles a student to choose from a diverse group of courses and divergent career. The Pre-University stage has different ethos from that of the secondary school or high school stage. At this stage students are with a mindset to have freedom, less restrictions from parents, mixing with other sex and soon.

It is difficult for these youngsters to adjust themselves in a new role in new atmosphere. It is difficult for PU students to perceive, accept and enact their roles and responsibilities. In a situation like this, students have to be trained to visualize, accept and enact new roles. PU lecturers have to play many roles in the process of imparting education. Their role is not only limited to teaching but also to other spheres such as administration from time to time. Which are assessed and reflected upon using teaching of assessment, planning and review.

You may like to read this speech by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on "Teachers as Role Models" APJ Kalam on Teachers‎PDF down.png

This web sites may interest you [On the Joys and Pains of a Lecturer]

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We perform different roles in different situations. The main role of a lecturer as a teacher is to identify the new concepts convert into teaching points and see that students understand this and there will be a desirable change in their behaviors. He/she should also facilitate communication in such a way that all students are encouraged to enter into a wide debate surrounding the topic they have chosen, create a safe learning environment continually reassess, develop and change the course structure. This module elaborates on various roles and responsiblities of a PU college lecturer

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This module will help you understand the roles and responsibilities of a PU Lecturer as

  1. Professional
  2. An administrator
  3. A Practitioner
  4. A student motivator

Let Us Know More

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A lecturer has to perform many roles and sub roles also, in order to keep abreast with the development in the subject he/she teaches, improve upon his/her own personality and also the future of the students in choosing a suitable career.

You know that you are responsible as a lecturer to provide activities to students based on their aptitude and direct them to choose their career on the basis of their field of interests.

As a Resource Person you need to possess knowledge in respective field/subject and should possess skills to deliver it effectively in the classroom, which in turn will help to assess students abilities and planning for a successful career building.

As a Referee you should possess qualities and abilities to help settle disputes among students and colleagues as a student welfare officer and a staff collaborator.

As a Detective you should be able to track and trace the rule breakers who cause indiscipline in college and plan action to correct them.

As a Role Model you should possess following traits/qualities that students imitate #Good communication skill

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Command over language
  3. Subject proficiency
  4. Use proper Body Language
  5. Dress code
  6. Role model
  7. Self evaluator
  8. Dedication and severity towards profession

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Here is a publication of the Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee which discusses the twelve roles of a lecturer in a medical college. Read it carefully and judge whether they apply to your role as a PU college lecutrer or not. Write your response along with your jusstifications and send to facilitator for feedback

Twelve Roles of a Teacher‎PDF down.png

Role Expectations from a PU Lecturer

Here is a compilation of expectations made from a lecturer. Study them carefully and reflect on their prevalence in your institution.
  1. Reach college at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the college.
  2. Conduct classes as per the time table
  3. Prepare annual programme of work in the beginning of the year
  4. Maintain the dairy, which should indicate the class conducted I PUC or II PUC, time of the class and topic taught.
  5. Prepare synopsis on the topic before every class
  6. Strictly adhere to the syllabus
  7. Conduct special / extra class to complete the syllabus
  8. Mark attendance in every class in ascending order
  9. Inform parents about shortage of attendance, monthly, midterm and annual.
  10. Conduct remedial classes for slow learners either before the commencement of the college or after college hours compulsorily.
  11. Conduct unit test, mid test, preparatory and other exams, value answer scripts and discuss the same with students.
  12. Be friendly or create a friendly atmosphere in college and with students
  13. Inspire students
  14. Identify and encourage students in their talents
  15. Render administration help when free
  16. Coordinate with colleagues to maintain discipline in the college
  17. Participate in college activities
  18. Stay in the college till the complete hours
  19. Do not indulge in personal work during college hours.
  20. Attend workshops / Conferences / Development programmes organized by the department with out fail.
  21. II and I PUC Examination work is mandatory
  22. Get (all your records maintained) attestation by your college Principal.

Curriculum or Co-curriculum

It is natural for a lecturer to believe that his/her role in a PU college is curricular unless one is a lecturer in physical education, music, or drama. Is it true that a lecturer has his role limited to the four walls of the classroom?

  1. What role have you played in conducting sports activities in your colleges?
  2. Have you judged or prepared any of your students in any cultural activities?

What do students like in a Lecturer?

What are the traits or qualities of a lecturer that students generally try to associate them with?
  1. Supportive Should be able to guide the students to develop confidence in themselves to identify their strengths and weaknesses and boldly venture into new areas of interests, society and community to develop and progress
  1. Affectionate Should be affectionate enough to meet the psychological needs of students. Students should be able to discuss any issues related to their psychological problems with out any fear and at the same time should develop the confidence that he/she will be able to help me come out of the issues.
  1. Guide. Should be able to show them a direction and provide necessary support to follow that direction.

Responsibilities of a Lecturer

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In the sections above, you have analysed various roles to be played by a lecturer in a PU college. Along with these roles come the responsibilities. Some of them are:

  1. Follow professional practices consistent with the college system polices while working with students, parents and colleagues. For doing this one Should posses inter personal skills for good communication with students, parents, administrators and other college personnel; Should organize parent teacher meetings to keep the parents aware of their wards progress and also know the problems they have regarding functioning of the college; Should be able to maintain confidentiality of students as well as the records pertaining to college administration and also departmental work.
  2. Follow rules, regulations and policies of Department. This includes: Administrative regulations and department policies; Adhere to college and local system; Conduct classes regularly; Maintain student conduct and discipline; Punctuality; Help substitute/Junior lecturers; Maintain records and files accurately, completely; Participate in staff meetings and in all the activities conducted in the college.

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1. List any 5 circulars which have come out from PU Department available on PU website. This academic year.

2. Are there any circulars related to

  1. Teacher training programmes?
  2. Teleconference
  3. In-service training
  4. Content enrichment
  5. Result improvement
  6. Sports
  7. Cultural activities

Note: Quote that date, number, heading and content/matter of the circular.

3. Have you attended in the last 2 academic years any of the following programmes conducted by the department at State / District / Taluk / College level. If yes mention the programme name and your gains from it. If absent what are the reasons for not attending?

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These video may interest you

[Ten Things Teachers Should Avoid Doing]

This link may interest you [[1]]

Suggested activities

It may help you in revisiting some of the roles mentioned in this module if you undertake the following activities:
  1. Form groups of 5 students each and ask them to speak on a topic and then identify the best among them and make them the group leaders.
  2. Try to identify in the class, there students with any psychological problems / health problems / emotional problems. Try to counsel them and refer for further mode of action to a professional.
  3. Conduct regular parent – teacher meetings and report the progress of students.
  4. Establish Literary Club, Language Club, Humanities Club, Ecolab, Wall Magazine Team, etc in college.
  5. Motivate students to join NSS, NCC, Scouts and guides by highlighting on the importance.
  6. Conduct career counseling and guidance programme for all students irrespective of their combinations.
  7. Organize motivational talks / Lecture session
  8. Conduct education tours / Excursions at least two in a year


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The role of a lecturer at PU level is to facilitate the learning process. It is difficult to find highly knowledgeable and professionally skilled lecturers to work every where in a large system like this (PU Colleges). With an intention to cater to varied needs of students, a wide variety of activities can be undertaken along with the curricular load for holistic development and improvement of PU Education. As per the National curriculum frame work 2005, PU Lecturers should be prepared to

  1. Care for students
  2. Love to be with students
  3. Understand students with in social, cultural and political contexts
  4. Be receptive and be constantly learning
  5. View learning as a search for meaning out of personal experience and knowledge generation as a continuously evolving process of reflective learning
  6. Our responsibility towards society and work to build a better world
  7. Appreciate the potential of productive work
  8. Analyse the curricular frame work, policy, implication and texts

‘The tactful teacher is a effective communicator with students, parents, colleagues and administrator.’

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