Contextualising Curriculum

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Contextualising Curriculum



Meaningful learning is one of the objectives of teaching. There have been several efforts to improve students learning. One of such efforts is to try several instructional strategies. Concept mapping is one such strategy. It helps in developing conceptual understanding among the students with inter relations between the concepts. It is a process that results in a concept map.

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After studying this module you will be able to


Concept maps are diagrammatic representations that show meaningful relationship between concepts in the form of prepositions.

There can also be thinks laterally evaluating the concepts together. It is also possible to show integration of concepts across subjects. Fig. 1 shows the structure of a concept map.

Steps in concept mapping

In the construction of a concept map, following steps are followed. It is advisable to involve students at every stage of concept mapping.

Uses of concept maps

The concept maps can be used at any stage of the lesson. When it is used at the introductory stage, students get a complete picture of what they are going to learn.


Show a few empty boxes and connecting words with meaningful gaps.

The programme inputs of this web based induction programme consists of

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Have you ever searched the internet? Have you any idea what is available on the internet which may be of interest to your profession? It is time you start searching the web.

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See this video to know how to go about

Concept Mapping