Talk:Say Libre

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Original (copy on used to be here (broken link to

Comments welcome :-) - K 15:33, 21 September 2007 (CEST)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Required updates007:14, 14 February 2015
Languages sharing the ambiguity or not106:52, 14 February 2015
Historical notes022:15, 18 May 2013
References to external references and discussions009:31, 15 November 2012
«Costless» and «Unencumbered»113:35, 12 November 2008
Interesting argument022:44, 15 October 2007

Required updates

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 07:14, 14 February 2015
KTucker (talk)23:24, 7 December 2009

Languages sharing the ambiguity or not


If Wiktionary is correct, translation care is indicated for the following languages.

Please edit/ add/ correct here and/or on Wiktionary.

For the following, "libre", or words close to it, mean gratis:

  • Filipino, use: ...
    • Google Translate indicates that perhaps this should be under "Same Ambiguity as English" below
  • Hiligaynon, use: ...
  • Tagalog, use: ...

For the following, "libre", or words close to it, mean something else:

  • Occitan (book), use: ...

"Libre", or words close to it, have the same ambiguity as "free" in English:

  • ...

For the following, "libre", or words close to it are correct, meaning free as in freedom:

  • French
  • Galician
  • Italian (libero)
  • Portuguese (livre)
  • Spanish
KTucker (talk)16:02, 20 January 2010
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 06:52, 14 February 2015

See Libre Emblem Translations.

KTucker (talk)08:10, 26 July 2012

Historical notes

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 22:15, 18 May 2013

Check out the following (please add):

KTucker (talk)13:00, 1 October 2011

References to external references and discussions


Please add:

  • B2fxxx - most notably Rufus Pollock's response.
KTucker (talk)09:31, 15 November 2012

«Costless» and «Unencumbered»


As I remarked in my blog a while back, I don't see a reason to use "libre" when perfectly serviceable English words exist that make clear distinctions between the different meanings of "free".

SteveFoerster (talk)10:27, 7 October 2008

"Costless" misses the point, "unencumbered" is "cumbersome". Libre is already an established "borrowed" or loan word in English along with many others. The international flavour of the word "libre" is part of its appeal. K 00:33, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

Ktucker (talk)13:33, 12 November 2008

Interesting argument


Open vs Libre... still reading your essay but wanted to note that the intro is thought provoking. But, my initial reaction is to not agree that open dillutes the message of freedom. I agree that free does however - hense the need for the old beer qualifier or the use of the word libre.. but open (at least in knowledge and education) aligns with the traditon of open education, which for the most part is about access and equity. This is not to say that it includes the other aspects of freedom that we list as important, but I do think the open as in access and equity is closer than open as in open code.

But I'll read on hey Kim. This is just a note after reading your intro. :) Nice to have found your work. --Leighblackall 11:44, 15 October 2007 (CEST)

Leighblackall (talk)22:44, 15 October 2007