OERu/Planning/Curriculum programme of study and quality

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  • Develop a clear degree structure with levels, streams and exit points whilst still providing for student flexibility and choice
  • Clear pointers to universities that can grant the whole Bachelor of General Studies or equivalent degree.
  • Agree solutions for communicating degree pathways, cost of assessment and degree completion for prospective OERu learners.
  • Design and implement a streamlined process for nominating OERu courses which contributes to building the OERu programme of study incorporating a peer review element for feedback.
  • Develop quality instruments for both the design and review OERu courses that include minimum quality standards and essential inclusions for OERu courses


  • Understand what partners are thinking of putting forward
  • Build on the initial thinking of possible degree pathways generated during the 2nd meeting of anchor partners.
  • Foster collaborations between partners in curriculum development
  • Foster reuse of courses and micro-courses in partner universities
  • Map a Bachelor of General Studies with clear streams
  • Consider certificates, diplomas and other exit points in the degree


Course approval and quality working group was amalgamated with the Curriculum and programme of study group to form this Curriculum, programme of study and quality group as per decision of the 15-12 meeting of the OERu Management Committee.

Active members

  • Wayne Mackintosh, Co-convener, OER Foundation
  • David Bull, Co-convener, University of Southern Queensland
  • Sarah Lambert, former convener of the Course Approval and Quality group.
  • Jo Smedley, University of South Wales
  • Adrian Stagg, University of Southern Queensland
  • Andy Brown, University of the Highlands and Islands
  • Carina Bossu, University of Tasmania
  • Euan Black, University of Highlands and Islands
  • Patrina Law, Open University
  • Rhiannon Tinsley, University of the Highlands and Islands
  • Vasi Doncheva, NorthTec
  • Odette Murdoch, Otago Polytechnic
  • Rajiv Jhangiani, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Discussion list


2016 KPIs

(This table is extracted from the 2016 master KPI table)


  • Ref. No.: Refers to the the strategic goal reference of the 2016 operational priorities contained in the strategic plan in the format of Strategic Goal number --> strategic objective number --> output number.
  • Green: Minimum Viable Product KPIs are allocated to OERu working groups. Operationally these KPIs are coordinated and implemented by the MVP task force. However, conveners of working groups are responsible to keep members of their respective working groups appraised of progress.
  • Yellow: Active 2016 KPIs - Working groups are responsible for facilitating achievement of these KPIs.
  • No colour: KPI on hold or low priority.
  • Status square: Meaning of coloured blocks - 0) Not started; 1) Started; 2) Significant progress; 3) Nearing completion; 4) Done

# Ref. No. Focus and KPIs Target date Status Assigned working group
1 G1-O1-01 MVP development and implementation
  • Facilitate the completion of 10 courses available for delivery for the "OERu MVP 1st year of study" by the next international meeting of OERu partners - 3 - 5 October 2016.
2016-09 Progress-0750.svg Strategic Planning
2 G1-O1-02 MVP development and implementation
  • Facilitate the completion of an additional 5 courses available for delivery for the "OERu MVP 1st year of study" by December 2016 to increase learner choice
2016-12 Progress-0500.svg Strategic Planning
3 G1-O1-03 MVP development and implementation
  • Administer targeted call for 1st year-level courses aiming to fill gaps in the OERu program of study for MVP, with priority given to existing courses available as OER
2016-03 Progress-1000.svg Strategic Planning
4 G1-O1-04 MVP development and implementation
  • Mentor course developers to produce in line with OERu quality instruments, and review courses completed (or near completion) to determine actions necessary for delivery via the OERu minimum viable platform
2016-08 Progress-0750.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
5 G1-O1-05 Product development for 2017 and beyond
  • Administer call for Institutional Action Plans (IAPs) aiming to achieve 60% response rate incorporating refinements agreed at the 4th meeting of OERu partners
2016-08 Progress-0000.svg Strategic Planning
6 G1-O1-06 Product development for 2017 and beyond (On hold)
  • Research and develop role description for proposed "Programme Director(s) fixed-term role to progress product development and OERu implementation, including options for resourcing the role for consideration by the network and Council of CEO's
2016-05 Progress-0000.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
7 G1-O2-01 MVP programme of study for the OERu free 1st year
  • Identify and select a minimum of two exit awards from OERu partners for the 1st year of study
2016-03 Progress-1000.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
8 G1-O2-01 MVP programme of study for the OERu free 1st year
  • Encourage identification of additional exit awards for the OERu 1st year of study
Ongoing Progress-0500.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
9 G1-O2-02 MVP programme of study for the OERu free 1st year
  • Expand the number of partners who will provide assessment services for identified MVP courses
Ongoing Progress-0250.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
10 G1-O2-03 MVP programme of study for the OERu 1st year of study 2016-05 Progress-0500.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
11 G1-O2-04 Validate exit awards for the 1st year of study
  • Develop the framework for approval of the CertHE at the University of Highlands and Islands and confirm courses for credit transfer
2016-06 Progress-0750.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
12 G1-O2-05 Validate exit awards for the 1st year of study
  • Validate the OERu credit transfer process for recognising credit towards the Certificate of General Studies at Thompson Rivers University.
2016-05 Progress-0250.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
13a G2-O1-01 Guidelines for credit transfer and credit accumulations schemes
  • Achieve sign-off of the guidelines by the respective registrars (or equivalent manager) of the partners offering an exit award for the OERu 1st year of study.
2016-07 Progress-0250.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
13b G2-O1-02 Guidelines for credit transfer and credit accumulations schemes
  • Achieve sign-off of the guidelines by the respective registrars (or equivalent manager) of the partners providing assessment services for MVP courses.
2016-08 Progress-0000.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
14 G2-O1-03 Guidelines for credit transfer and credit accumulations schemes
  • Design the OERu articulation process and develop the associated OERu Handbook for Articulation Agreements, including pro-forma documents as needed for MVP implementation
2016-08 Progress-0000.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
15 G2-O1-04 Guidelines for credit transfer and credit accumulation schemes
  • Arrange two online information sessions for registrar divisions (i.e. accommodating two timezone regions: Africa / Europe & North America / Oceania) to communicate how the OERu credit transfer and credit accumulation systems will operate.
2016-08 Progress-0000.svg Standing committee for credit transfer
16 G2-O2-01 Resources to support partners for active engagement (On hold) 2016-03 Progress-0000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
17 G2-O2-02 Resources to support partners for active engagement (On hold)
  • Develop and publish an information pack for new members to be distributed as a printed resource
2016-06 Progress-0000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
18 G2-O2-03 Resources to support partners for active engagement
  • Establish a section on the main oeru.org site for new partners, providing accessible pathways to core documents and associated resources to support new partners
2016-07 Progress-0500.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
19 G2-O3-01 Building capability (Achieved)
  • Offer the DS4OER online course for staff involved in the design and development of courses for MVP
2016-03 Progress-1000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
20 G2-O3-02 Building capability (MVP task force replaces this KPI for 2016)
  • Expand participation in OERu working groups (through an active call via focal points) to achieve the target of at least three representatives from each partner institution.
2016-03 Progress-0500.svg Strategic Planning
21 G2-O4-01 Executive communications
  • Distribute 1st OERu progress report to the Chief Executive Officers of OERu partners
2016-05 Progress-1000.svg Strategic Planning
22 G2-O4-02 Executive communications
  • Distribute 2nd OERu progress report to Chief Executive Officers of OERu partners
2016-12 Progress-1000.svg Strategic Planning
23 G2-O4-03 Executive communications (On hold - don't have capacity to co-ordinate this KPI)
  • Establish a small project team from OERu executive leaders to delineate what leaders, academic and professional support staff need to know and what they need to do in order to progress OERu implementation
2016-04 Progress-0000.svg Strategic Planning
24 G2-O4-04 Technology platform for MVP
  • Develop and publish a framework for the Minimum Viable Platform for the hosting and delivery of OERu Minimum Viable Product
2016-02 Progress-1000.svg Technology
25 G2-O4-05 Technology platform for MVP 2016-01 Progress-1000.svg Technology
26 G2-O4-06 Technology platform for MVP
  • Implement a single sign-on solution for learners to use OERF hosted services for the Minimum Viable Platform
2016-07 Progress-0500.svg Technology
27 G2-O4-07 Technology platform for MVP
  • Design and implement a solution for learners to navigate course offerings, leading to available awards with clear information on pricing and partners offering summative assessment services from the course management system
2016-08 Progress-0250.svg Technology
28 G2-O4-08 Technology support and improvement
  • Continue to improve technologies for collaborative authoring and publishing of OERu courses for MVP that can be integrated into the mainstream delivery platforms of partner institutions
Ongoing Progress-0500.svg Technology
29 G2-O4-09 Technology support and improvement
  • Continue to improve technologies for learner interactions (i.e. learner-learner and learner-content interactions) for MVP
Ongoing Progress-0500.svg Technology
30 G2-O4-10 Technology support and improvement
  • Continue to support the necessary open source technology infrastructure that facilitates planning and implementation of the OERu to be cost effective, affordable, stable and secure
Ongoing Progress-0750.svg Technology
31 G2-O4-11 Community source (MVP task force replaces this KPI)
  • Design and implement an informal online networking model, incorporating regular online "office hours" to facilitate the development of communities of practice aligned with OERu operations. (Good uptake with Chat.oeru.org and Groups.oeru.org for MVP.)
2016-03 Progress-0750.svg Technology
32 G2-O4-12 Community source
  • Administer a call to all partner institutions to nominate an appropriate staff member with relevant IT /Educational Technology skills to join the OERu technology working group to build knowledge of open source technologies and to leverage return on this key point of difference and strategic benefit of being a partner in the OERu network
2016-03 Progress-0000.svg Strategic Planning
33 G2-O4-13 Community source
  • Continue supporting Platinum-tier partners with effective integration of OERu open technologies with local delivery tools and infrastructure, incorporating open resources for open technology assessment and advice
Ongoing Progress-0250.svg Technology
34 G3-O1-01 Recruit partners for a fiscally sustainable network
  • Recruit an additional 10 OERu partners by the end of 2016
Ongoing Progress-0250.svg Strategic Planning
35 G3-O1-02 Recruit partners for a fiscally sustainable network
  • Administer a call to all OERu focal points with supporting guidelines to assist in identifying prospective leads for recruiting new OERu partners
2016-07 Progress-0000.svg Strategic Planning
36 G3-O1-03 Recruit partners for a fiscally sustainable network
  • Identify and prioritise the successful completion of one showcase OERu delivery of a large enrolment open course as demonstrator to profile the OERu model. (LiDA approved and good progress with the course design and development.)
2016-01 Progress-0750.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
37 G3-O2-01 Crowd funding campaign to generate funding for marketing of the OERu 1st year of study
  • Design and implement crowd funding campaign (including options for corporate sponsorship to assemble additional courses) as part of the fund development component of the Hewlett Capability development grant. Note - replaced with email drip campaign and supporting collateral for partner recruitment.
2016-07 Progress-0750.svg Marketing, communications and partner engagement
38 G3-O3-01 CIPP Monitoring and evaluation
  • Publish plan for process evaluation study with a focus on course design, assembly and completion, and associated learner evaluations from early cohorts by November 2016
2016-11 Progress-0000.svg Strategic Planning
39 G4-O1-01 Demonstrator pilots
  • Identify and implement two innovation pilots. For example, an OERu course developed as a "dual purpose" offerings, where the course is assembled to serve the needs of existing mainstream students at one or more OERu partners in parallel with OERu learners (i.e. an "open boundary" course). Another pilot could demonstrate the potential of using one open online course to provide assessment services at different levels.
2016-03 Progress-0750.svg Curriculum, programme of study and quality
40 G3-O1-04 Recruit partners for a fiscally sustainable network
  • Design and publish an OERu recruitment brochure for prospective partner institutions, targeting executive decision makers
2016-07 Progress-1000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
41a G2-O4-15 Marketing recruit and communications 2016-03 Progress-1000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
41b G2-O4-16 Recruit OERu learners
  • Develop and publish an OERu marketing plan to recruit learners for the "OERu MVP 1st year of study"
2016-07 Progress-0750.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
42 G3-O1-05 Recruit partners for a fiscally sustainable network
  • Commission and complete development of whiteboard style "explainer video" targeting decision-makers at prospective OERu partners.
2016-07 Progress-1000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
43 G2-O4-17 Recruit OERu learners
  • Commission and complete development of whiteboard style "explainer video" targeting OERu learners.
2016-07 Progress-1000.svg Marketing communications and partner engagement
44 G2-O1-03 Guidelines for credit transfer and credit accumulations schemes
  • Develop grid for mapping international credits and levels
2016-08 Progress-0000.svg Standing committee for credit transfer


Active tasks

  1. Develop OERu programme specification for 1st year of study
  2. Programme design parameters for 1st year exit award candidates

Completed tasks

  1. 2015 Curriculum and Programme of Study Group Annual Report

Resource links