OERu/Planning/Strategic planning working group
From WikiEducator
- To monitor and provide oversight over the implementation of the OERu Strategic Plan
- To liaise with the OERu Council of CEOs, OERu Management Committee and Board of Directors of the OER Foundation.
- To coordinate the activities of the OERu working groups
- To support partner recruitment
- To facilitate the achievement of the current KPIs
- To assign KPIs to relevant working groups
- To develop and coordinate an action calendar and key milestones
- To monitor and report on progress with the implementation of the strategic plan.
- To oversee the Process phase of the CIPP (Context, Input Process and Product) evaluation initiative.
- To develop business strategies for the OERu including open business models and nurturing key points of difference for the OERu network
- Jim Taylor (Convener), University of Southern Queensland and OER Foundation
- Wayne Mackintosh, OER Foundation
- David Porter, OER Foundation
- Robin Day, OER Foundation
- David Gibson, Curtin University
- Catherine Clark, Curtin University
- Lenora LeMay, Portage College
- Vanessa Chang, Curtin University
- Gary Campbell, University of Highlands and Islands.
- Don Olcott, Jr., Charles Sturt University
- Philip Uys, Charles Sturt University
- Inaugural meeting - 26 March 2014
- 2nd meeting - 7 August 2014
- 3rd meeting - 26/27 & 28 May 2015
- 4th meeting - Wed 29 July 2015
2016 KPIs
(This table is extracted from the 2016 master KPI table) Key
- Ref. No.: Refers to the the strategic goal reference of the 2016 operational priorities contained in the strategic plan in the format of Strategic Goal number --> strategic objective number --> output number.
- Green: Minimum Viable Product KPIs are allocated to OERu working groups. Operationally these KPIs are coordinated and implemented by the MVP task force. However, conveners of working groups are responsible to keep members of their respective working groups appraised of progress.
- Yellow: Active 2016 KPIs - Working groups are responsible for facilitating achievement of these KPIs.
- No colour: KPI on hold or low priority.
- Status square: Meaning of coloured blocks - 0) Not started; 1) Started; 2) Significant progress; 3) Nearing completion; 4) Done