OERu/Planning/OERu Management Committee/15.12 Meeting of the OERu Management Committee

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When: 15 December 2015, 11:00AM NZDT (Click on link for local time.)
Where: Hangouts on air (Members of OERu MC should log into Gmail 10 minutes prior to start of meeting and await invitation to join.)
Public link: Broadcast link for viewers (Members of the OERuMC should not use this link.)
Backchannel #OERu feed. Post using WENotes or Twitter

Icon objectives line.svg

The aims of the meeting are to:

  1. Review the OERu 2016 operational priorities and KPIs
  2. Decide on the optimal structures to progress Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the OERu 1st year of study leading to an exit award.


Agenda remains draft until meeting commences. OERuMC participants are invited to add agenda items.

  1. Welcome
  2. Matters arising
    • Review of outstanding items
    • OERuMC to progress solutions for communicating priorities and maintaining momentum after the partners meeting
  3. Improved technology for single source list of 2016 operational priorities and KPIs
  4. Review of KPIs by working group
  5. Proposal to establish Curriculum, programme of study and quality group (Amalgamating the CAQG and CPSWG working groups.)
  6. MVP task force
    • Composition
    • Meetings and web-conference technology
  7. Donation of four business courses by Otago Polytechnic (Principles of Leadership, Strategic Management, Project Management and Human Resource Management.)
    • Collaboration on summative assessment options.
  8. Date of 1st 2016 meeting

Minutes and decisions

7th OERu Management Committee Meeting
  1. Attendance: Jim Taylor, Wayne Mackintosh, Dave Lane, David Porter, Sarah Lambert, Marc Singer. Apology: Irwin DeVries.
  2. [0:45] Confirmed the aims of the meeting.
  3. [1:18] Noted progress on outstanding items from previous meeting.
  4. [1:38] Discussed ideas to maintain momentum of activity after the partners meeting and over the holiday break in the Southern Hemisphere.
    • Noted that scheduling the partners meeting early October rather than November facilitates progress on actions associated with the subsequent OERuMC meeting before the Southern Hemisphere holidays.
    • [2:45] Acknowledged Sarah's prompt follow up and work (estimated about 2.5 FTE days over 4 weeks) in progressing the survey for the 1st year of study (5 responses received to date.)
    • [3:10] Discussed the advantages of setting an earlier date for the next OERuMC meeting to maintain momentum.
    • [4:37] Noted that scheduling the first OERuMC meeting as early as possible in the new year will also assist in maintaining momentum.
    • [7:09] Agreed to contact the University of Highlands and Islands about the possibility of re-scheduling the next OERu partners meeting early in October 2016.
  5. Discussed 2016 operational priorities and KPIs.
    • [7:50] Summarised the process for drafting the operational priorities which were derived from the 2015 partners meeting, and noting that the process was endorsed by the Council of CEO's. Further, the Strategic Planning Working Group and members of the OERuMC were requested to review and comment on the 2016 KPIs before the meeting. The KPIs were developed openly in WikiEducator.
    • [8:47] Demonstrated: the master list of 2016 KPI's; the table sort function; and a new widget, which can extract different views from the master table on different wiki pages: for example, the list of KPI's allocated to a particular working group (see for example: the KPI's assigned to the Course approval and quality group).
    • Each working group reported and affirmed the current version of the KPI's. It waas noted that, in the context of an evergreen plan: the specific emphasis, priorities, detailed activities for realising the KPI's and any refinements are the responsibility of the respective working groups.
    • Agreed that the master list will be used as the central "source-of-truth" for maintaining and updating the KPI's.
    • Noted that it is important to relate the KPI's to the OERu Strategic Plan 2015 - 2017 in order to improve co-ordination and facilitate reporting of progress.
    • Noted that the target date of April 2016 for completion of the 1st 10 courses for the OERu MVP as recommended by the partners meeting is probably unrealistic.
    • Agreed that a group of experienced OERu practitioners and thought leaders will be constituted to develop a 2016 action plan in the wiki based on MVP KPI's aligned to key milestones for the OERu implementation year.
    • Emphasised the value of a role to progress the implementation of an "action plan" encapsulated in the related KPI from the partners meeting and Council of CEOs: "Research and develop role description for proposed "Programme Director(s) fixed-term role to progress product development and OERu implementation, including options for resourcing the role for consideration by the network and Council of CEO's"
    • Noted the advice to structure group engagement around scheduled "online events" to promote awareness of and commitment to achieving shared KPI's.
    • Agreed to schedule a DS4OER course-sprint to coincide with Open Education Week 2016 scheduled for early March and to distribute information as soon possible to generate opportunities for OERu partners to plan local events.
  6. [59:30] Considered the proposal to amalgamate the Course Approval and Quality Group with the Curriculum and Programme of Study group to form the Curriculum, Programme of Study and Quality working group to improve efficiency and avoid duplication of effort.
    • Agreed to amalgamate the two groups as proposed.
  7. [1:02:10] Discussed a proposal to establish an MVP task force for the implementation of the OERu 1st year of study.
    • Considered advantages, disadvantages and complexities with which an MVP task force would need to deal.
    • Advised that the task force should follow the the "path of least complexity" to achieving MVP and product development.
    • Advised that the task force should involve key players from partner institutions actively engaged in completing product for MVP in addition to relevant representatives from the OERu working groups.
    • Agreed that the MVP task force does not displace existing OERu working groups or other OERu organisational structures, but feeds into OERu decision-making processes as an open MVP focus group.
    • Noted that the MVP task force aims to function as an "open think tank" for MVP involving key stakeholders to feed into the work of the OERu organisational structures and associated decision-making processes.
    • Agreed to establish an MVP open task force as a "meeting space" to progress MVP, and (in the traditions of open models) noted that the task force could be reconstituted or discontinued as we gain experience with the approach.
    • Advised of the intention to implement a hosted instance of the zoom web-conferencing service as a "stop gap" until mainstream WebRTC solutions are available to overcome the limitations of 10 concurrent participants in Google Hangouts on Air. Further, a number of challenges (identified by members of the Technology group) were noted in relation to recent testing of Big Blue Button.
  8. Noted the nomination of four business courses by Otago Polytechnic for the MVP initiative, and the associated open invitation to partners, who may wish to develop summative assessments for these courses, as well as the opportunity to inform the design and assembly of the project as it moves forward.
  9. Agreed to convene the next meeting of the OERuMC early in February 2016.

Action items

  1. Contact the University of Highlands and Islands about the possibility of re-scheduling the OERu partners meeting to dates early in October 2016. Done. Now scheduled for 3 - 5 October 2016. --Mackiwg (talk) 23:45, 24 March 2016 (UTC)
  2. Establish a group of experienced OERu practitioners and thought leaders to develop in the wiki a 2016 Action Plan, focussed specifically on MVP KPI's aligned to key milestones for the OERu implementation year. Done - see MVP implementation plan
  3. Schedule a DS4OER course-sprint to coincide with Open Education Week 2016 scheduled for early March and to distribute information as soon possible. Done - course completed. --Mackiwg (talk) 23:45, 24 March 2016 (UTC)
  4. Execute actions and communications required for amalgamation of the Course Approval and Quality Working Group and Curriculum and Programme of Study Working Group: for example, wiki pages, notification of members, updating of the working group pages etc. Done. Reconfigured wiki pages and groups.oeru.org list to implement the amalgamation. --Mackiwg (talk) 09:07, 25 March 2016 (UTC)
  5. Establish the MVP Task Force and invite key stakeholders to join. Done. --Mackiwg (talk) 00:42, 25 March 2016 (UTC)
  6. Convene the first meeting of the OERuMC early in February 2016. Done - but scheduled for April due to inertia in setting up the MVP Task Force. --Mackiwg (talk) 00:42, 25 March 2016 (UTC)