OERu/Planning/Course approval and quality working group/Third Meeting
From WikiEducator
- Course Blueprint logistics - what URL to use, and where to link it so that others can find and review
- Modified eAlberta Campus Quality instrument update
- Course sprint update
- New course development flowchart - need for protocol on allocation of OER course codes
Sarah Lambert (convenor and minutes), Wayne Mackintosh, Mika Hoffman, Meg Goodine
- Use text ie course name for webpage URLs. Do not use codes eg avoid OER1005 as a stem for urls, as it makes re-use difficult. Also use text for content ie About United Nations, not Module 1. Wayne advised that in the presentation of the content to students there is a facility to rename the link/heading to Module 1 so that can be done right at the time that the course content is being packaged up for delivery. Key point - just start developing the content asap and you can change the url later if needed.
- eAlberta Campus Quality instrument - this is ready to convert from Google Doc to wikieducator pages. To make it clear why we need 2 quality instruments, one for use in the design process (blueprint) and one after courses are developed including for periodic review guidelines) - we will rename the instrument "OERu Course Quality Review Guidelines" and present it in draft form at the November planning meetings.
- Following from point 2, we could call the blueprint the "OERu Course Quality Planning Blueprint" to indicate we are planning the quality in from the start.
- Wayne progressing the Sprint, and has proposed a new online project management and scheduling tool to assist to balance the deadlines of the various activities that are occuring by the various work-groups.
- Sarah to develop new Model United Nations (MUN) course planning pages and blue-print to be a new sample/template for others to look at.
- Sarah to link new MUN course planning pages to the course nomination pages (where all courses under development are listed).
- Meg to convert the OERu modified Google doc version of the eAlberta Campus Quality instrument to Wikieducator pages. New name is "OERu Course Quality Review Guidelines." Please link the new page/s to this page so we may find it easily, and have a record.
- Sarah to report back to OERu management group, and put forward 2 outputs for the November planning meeting ie the "OERu Course Quality Review Guidelines" and the "OERu Course Quality Planning Blueprint". Also to propose a discussion about course code/hashtag naming conventions for ease of searching and a consistent student experience.
Next meeting
To be held in the fortnight after the Course Sprint, tba.