New Zealand

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Icon objectives.jpg
These objectives were generated as part of a training session in understanding wikieducator and its use and potential direction in New Zealand.
  • understand how WikiEducator can benefit teaching and learning in New Zealand;
  • investigate how WikiEducator fits into government policy, such as ICT strategic framework, national digital strategy;
  • identify regional opportunities around New Zealand to promote WikiEducator including regional and national conferences;
  • identify a "patron" who has national recognition in education and who can promote the use and development of WikiEducator in New Zealand;
  • identify opportunities for wiki workshops throughout the country;
  • identify sources of funding to support wiki workshops and resource development;
  • engage with relevant education organisations to identify content which they may be able to provide under creative commons licencing

Benefits to Teaching and Learning in New Zealand

Government Policy

Report on 21st century learning environments and digital literacy

This wiki hosts the final report, and associated discussions, from the Education and Science Select Committee that was presented to the House of Parliament in December 2012. Please do not edit the pages that contain the text of the report; it is important that we maintain the integrity of the original report from the Inquiry. You can either use the discussion tab to post comments on the content, or create a new page.

Contents of Original Report from Select Committee

A page has been created for discussion of each recommendation

Index to pages for discussion of recommendations

NZ Digital Strategy

The Digital Strategy 2.0 was New Zealand’s five year action plan to ensure New Zealand maximises the opportunities that Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) bring. It set out targets and key actions for the next few years where budgets have already been committed.

Read More on The Digital Strategy and how WikiEducator might fit into this strategy.

Creative Commons Aotearoa/New Zealand - has ported the Creative Commons licenses to New Zealand.

ICT Strategic Framework for Education

ICT strategic framework 2006 pdf

See also Summary of ICT Policy Initiatives

Regional Opportunities

WikiEducator Patron for Aotearoa/New Zealand

Wiki Workshops


Resource Development

New Zealand Sources of OERs


Use these pages to discuss how WikiEducator and OERs may be used across the entire education sector in NZ.



  • Wikimedia New Zealand is a proposed chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation. Planning and discussion on the steps needed to formally create this chapter for Wikimedians living in New Zealand are underway. See:


Upcoming Events

Regular Events

One Laptop Per Child New Zealand have a test fest session every Saturday at the Southern Cross, Wellington. More details at

Past Events

Education mini-conf at lca2010 2010-01-18

This one day Education Mini-conference will focus on educational uses of Free and Open Source initiatives used around the world including tools for teaching and school management.

It will provide talks and workshops directly useful to educators, administrators, developers and those interested in supporting education initiatives and/or influencing their direction and uptake.

Software Freedom Day 2009-09-20

  • Wellington - at the Town hall.
  • One Laptop Per Child test fest
  • 'Introduction to programming' session for parents and kids (scratch from
  • Students' programme
  • Kids' programme
  • Auckland - Albany highschool 2009-09-18
  • LAN party for our students on the Friday evening.
  • Playing open source games (and eating pizza)

Thursday 29 November 2007. Venue: The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Auckland.

  • Expanding Copyright Horizons through Creative Commons. 27 October 2007. A seminar to build understanding of the new licensing environment in the digital world. A free free seminar in Wellington on Saturday 27 October. More info:

New Zealand-based WikiEducators


Brent Simpson

Stefan Rasporich


Template:NCEA_Unit, a link is automatically generated to the NZQA website using the id specified.

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