MOSEP Module 3/session3

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Mosep logo small.jpg MOSEP ePortfolio Tutorial: Module 3
Presentation of Evidence
Overview / Introduction - Module 3
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5


Session 3: Organising an interview or presentational situation

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After this session the participant will:

Activity 1 - Preparing learners for an interview or presentational situation

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Session 3 - Activity 1 [60 mins]

Design a presentation for other Teachers or Trainers, that explains how you would prepare a learner for an interview or presentational situation.
Note: It should describe the purpose of the interview or presentational situation (see the last sessions) and emphasis the importance of careful planning and preparation
It should also highlight the following planning steps:

Activity 2 - Personal performance in an interview

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Session 3 - Activity 2

Use a search engine to help you to [[1]] find some advice that you could give to learners that would help them to perform well in an interview or presentational situation.

Hint - have a look at

Think about to what extent you can use the advice, yourself, as you prepare for your End of Module presentation. Share your ideas with others.