MOSEP Module 3/session3
MOSEP ePortfolio Tutorial: Module 3 Presentation of Evidence |
Overview / Introduction - Module 3 Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 |
Session 3: Organising an interview or presentational situation
After this session the participant will:
Activity 1 - Preparing learners for an interview or presentational situation
Session 3 - Activity 1 [60 mins]
Design a presentation for other Teachers or Trainers, that explains how you would prepare a learner for an interview or presentational situation.
Activity 2 - Personal performance in an interview
Session 3 - Activity 2
Use a search engine to help you to [[1]] find some advice that you could give to learners that would help them to perform well in an interview or presentational situation. Hint - have a look at Think about to what extent you can use the advice, yourself, as you prepare for your End of Module presentation. Share your ideas with others.