Online Relationships

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The ease of communicating, sharing, and interacting online creates many opportunities for both positive and negative experiences. Being a good digital citizen is really an extension of our conduct and behavior from face to face interactions to the very keys we type in our digital environments. What we express online should mirror the expressions offline. If we wouldn't say it to a person's face, we wouldn't write it. The importance of maintaining this perspective is key.

Learning outcomes

  • Students will learn what are the most common online environments to interact with/in at home and at school.
  • Students will communicate consistently online as they are expected to offline, in line with school and/or curricular values.
  • Students will draft a code of conduct to sign, observe, and honour when interacting online.
  • Students will be able to respond appropriately when encountering online behavior that is either hurtful or inappropriate.


In order to form positive online relationships, it is important that we are aware of what the most common environments are in which the specific group(s) regularly reside and interact.

What are the most common online environments of your peer group?  

1) Create a Google Form to poll your select group:   

Here is an example of a form/survey:


For a quick glance at your group's preferences, poll the group by having each person volunteer their five most visited social media sites and interactive online environments.  You will need to designate one person to enter the information as electronic text and then ensure format is uniform when entering the data (ie. 'Facebook' should be represented this exact way from each person).

Add the frequency of each site/programme as text in Wordle,    Ensure you have Java enabled in your browser.

2) Display the results visually either as Wordle cloud or as a 'Summary of responses' from the Google Form.

Icon casestudy.gif
Case Study
Jimmy was your typical, sociable 12 year old on the cusp of becoming a teenager.  Like many of his peers, Jimmy often used the internet to communicate to both his friends and teachers. Even though the school email account was not used as often as instant messaging or 'Facebook-ing' , it had been used increasingly as a way to communicate while Jimmy was at school.  Whether Jimmy was in the ICT suite or library, Jimmy would access his school account and, (as the school contact list was freely available to staff & students), would use this directory to locate and make contact with other students. When Jimmy found he was at the center of a conflict with two other boys in his P.E. class, Jimmy used his email messages to communicate his frustrations.

Jimmy's emails - Andrew Cowie

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