Online Relationships

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Connecting positively online with peers and students

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Setting up a Facebook group with your students This is considered the "mountain must come to Mohammed" approach to making the most of a social environment we know many of our students are using.

Introduction to Facebook Groups for Teachers[1]

Facebook group teacher safety tips

  • Check out the Facebook in Education Best Practice Document
  • Make sure you and your student's privacy settings are set to “friends only”
  • Don’t “friend” any students
  • Don’t communicate late at night (in fact you may choose not to post to the group outside school hours - leave them to do that)
  • Have another teacher join your group to further protect yourself
  • Establish appropriate behaviours for group
  • Tip – Make your group name unique e.g. include Level, Subject, Teacher Name, Year (this will ensure your student can find your group).

Using hashtags to facilitate Twitter discussions You can effectively use Twitter to facilitate class discussion anytime, anywhere and it does not require you to “follow” your students or vice versa. Basically if you have a Twitter account and you encourage your students to set up a twitter account you are ready to go! All you need to do is establish a unique hashtag for your class eg. for my 11 English

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Case Study
There is a series of case studies here which are great to use with intermediate or secondary aged students, or with staff.

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Add your reflection text here
