CCNC/CCNC Module 5/Designing and creating tables/Basic Table Operations

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Tutorial.png Basic Table Operations 

Creating a Table | Design a Table | Open a Table | Add Records | Edit a Table | Navigate a Table | Close a Table | Delete a Table | Self Assessment | Summary & FAQs

Creating a New Table

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Upon completion of this tutorial the learner will be able to:
  • Identify the methods to create a new table
  • Create a new table

Creating a Table

Figure 1. The OpenOffice Database Desktop

The first step to a database is to create the tables that are needed. You can design a table from scratch or you can activate the Table Wizard which allows you to choose formats that have been pre-defined and are available to use.

To do this click on the Tables icon on the left hand side of the screen (Figure 1). Then choose "Create Table in Design View..." from the task panel.

Designing the Table

Figure 2. Table Designer

If you choose to Create Table in Design View, the following screen will appear (Figure 2).

Here you enter the field names underneath each other. The green arrow shows the active row. You can specify a Field Type in the next column which can be either a Text field or a Date, Time, Number, various types of Integers etc. If you do not specify a Field type it will default to Text.

Test your knowledge

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Creating a new table


1. There is more than one way to create a table?

Absolutely Correct!
Incorrect, you can use either design view or a table wizard. Click here to review the topic.

2. What is the default field type when creating a table.

(a) Integer
Incorrect, the default type is Text. Click here to review the topic.
(b) Date
Incorrect, the default type is Text. Click here to review the topic.
(c) Text
Absolutely correct!
(d) Varchar
Incorrect, the default type is Text. Click here to review the topic.
(e) Float
Incorrect, the default type is Text. Click here to review the topic.

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