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1. I have an assessment today, but I am too sick.
Email your class teacher or tutor straight away to tell them. You must go to your doctor to have the medical form filled in. Bring the completed form to your tutor when you return to school. You will also need to fill in a missed assessment form (reception) and return it to the school within 3 school days of the missed assessment.

2. I have an assessment today, but there's been an accident or some family emergency or trauma.
Email your class teacher or tutor as soon as you are able. When you return to school you must bring a note from your parent/guardian or your school counsellor and you will also need to fill in a missed assessment form and return to the school within 3 school days of the missed assessment.

3. I did the test/assessment, but I think I didn't do my best because I was sick or really upset.
Straight away, ask your teacher about further assessment opportunities or other evidence they may have collected. Your doctor will have to fill out the medical form if you were sick or you will need to bring a note from your parent/guardian or your school counsellor.

4. I have to hand in this assessment today, but I am too sick to come, or there's been some family emergency or trauma.
Send the assessment to the school office or teacher. If you can't, email your class teacher or tutor who can talk to the Specialist Subject leader about what can be done. You will also need to fill in a missed assessment form and return to the school within 3 school days of the missed assessment.

5. I'm going on a school trip.
You will be notifying the teachers affected at least one week before the trip. They will decide about your assessment in consultation with the Specialist Subject leader.

6. I'm going on a family holiday.
You must ask permission by writing to the Principal, Ms Cavanagh. Tell your teachers, but be aware that you are very likely to forfeit the credits for assessments you miss.

7. I have tutoring, a music lesson, cultural or sports practice, rehearsal.
Do the assessment at the correct time. The other things are not as high a priority. Don't forget to let other people know you are attending the assessment in advance to show respect for their time!

8. I am late handing in my work.
You will have to talk to your teacher who will consult with the Specialist Subject Leader over whether your work can be accepted - this is likely to be the case only in very exceptional circumstance. You will also need to fill in a missed assessment form.

9. My computer or printer breaks down.
You need to be aware that technology can fail at the crucial moment. This is unlikely to be acceptable as a reason for late work. It is your responsibility to guard against losing your work through technological failure by printing out your work at regular intervals and saving your work on a back-up disk. If your printer breaks down, print at school or email the work to your teacher.

10. I chose not to come to that test or hand in that assessment.
You will get no marks or credits for that assessment. It will be recorded as a Not Achieved.

11. I have worked really hard on my assessment and met the deadline. I used a lot of research which I found online but my teacher says my work is plagiarised and I will get a Not Achieved.

It is your responsibility to ensure all work submitted is your own and the sources of all material in your assignment are acknowledged whether it is from text, electronic material or people. Be prepared to discuss your work further with your teacher if required and keep all drafts and working documents so you can show these to your teacher if there are issues of authenticity.

12. My friend has been away and is really behind with their assessment. They have asked me to share my work with them, is this ok?

No! It is a breach of the rules to allow someone else to copy your work or to copy another student's work. Inappropriately helping another student with any part of their work may gain you both a Not Achieved.

13. I have just got my grade back for an assessment but I think I deserve higher.

You have three (school) days once you have received your official grade to appeal it.

Talk to your teacher. Ask them to clarify what was required for each grade. If you still think you have been marked incorrectly you can ask your teacher to reconsider it. If you are still unhappy with your grade you can request that the SSL checks it by filling out the Appeals form.

It is important that you understand what you need to do to achieve success this year. Your teachers will give you clear information about what is expected. You need to make sure that you check with your teacher if you are unsure about anything.