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Hélia Nsthandoca
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Contact-new.svg Hélia Nsthandoca
Hélia DezimahataLory

Other roles:Volunteer, Community Empowerment Collective
Languages:English, Portuguese, Spanish
Country:Mozambique MozambiqueMozambique

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My profile

PB-Lory Nacala (11-07-2010).jpg

Hèlia Nsthandoca holds a Master in Microfinance by the University of Bergamo, 2005 and a Degree in Economics with specialization in Business Administration by the University of Camaguey, Cuba 2002. She has working experience in the Field of Administration & Finance, Logistics and operations from Academic Institution, NGO & Financial Intitutions. Currently she is an independent consultant for Micro, Small & Medium Entreprises in Mozambique, with focus to rural areas of Zambèzia Province. She is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, English & Italian languages, due to that skills she is able to collaborate with the Community Empowerment Colective, a Canadian online NGO providing support in translations to Portuguese.

My Personal Interests

PB-Lory Nacala (11-07-2010)..jpg

Travel, be with my family, meet new people, rural development of Mozambique

My Professional Interests

Social Entrepreneurship, I provide training in basic business skills for MSME's with support from Thomsom Business information, Denmark, owner of the site where I am responsible for the Portuguese for Angola & Mozambique and from 2010 I am also responsible fro Spanish in Latin American countries. I also collaborate with ALTIS (Alta Scuola Impresa e Società) from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy in regarding to Global Social Entrepreneurship.

Microfinance: Besides holds a Master in this field I am colaborating with an Spanish NGO that provides technical assistance and microloan to microfinance institutions in Perù & Bolivia; providing support in establish Savings & Loans association in Zambèzia province,Mozambique and I have been granted an aproval to teach ICD 525 Practical Microfinance,ICD 526 Financial Analysis for Management of Microfinance Institutions and ICD 527 Performance Evaluation and Client Assessment for Microfinance Institutions at the Southern New Hampshire University.

In general I am concerned with development issues trough empowerment of private sector.

My Plans and Projects for WikiEducatorção_de_Rendimentos

I have the honour to be translating the work that Professor Phil Bartle has done on Akan people. One of the most exiting & challenging translation work I have ever done. I hope it comes out well.


Frequent Contacts

Our little band, and friends of Community Empowerment


Today is: 2024 December 22, Sunday
The time is 03:57, Zulu (ie. at Greenwich)


Tips and Suggestions

Tips and Ideas

Notes and Comments from my Wiki Neighbours

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