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online chat

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of f2f & online discussions

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For the week

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Web Resources

links for you

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face to face

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Assignment1 Here

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Add my activity here

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This programme aims to equip teachers with basic computer literacy skills.It will specifically equip trainees with skills in the use of
1. the computer,
2. Microsoft office suite (word, excel, power point presentation), and 
3.the Internet for learning, teaching and research.
Contact-new.svg Infobox
WikiEducator logo100.jpg

My Profile

Professional Background


My Interests



Notts picture

My Projects

<a href="Wikiproject">wikiproject</a>    

<a href="">Nigeria</a>

My Sandbox

My sandbox

My Reflection


Welcome to eL4C38

  • Hello and welcome to eL4C38, a free online Learning4Content wiki skills workshop.
  • You may wish to check the Daily Instructions for the workshop, introduce yourself, and check the list of participants.
  • Whenever you have the time, click on each of the above links and/or start ahead of time with the workshop.
  • Enjoy the workshop :-)
Your facilitators:

Feedback & Notes from my WikiNeighbours

{{Infobox personal

|Name =

|Email =

|Boxes =

L4C-small.png This user was a proud participant of eL4C41.

|Photo = [[Image:

|Employer =

|Website =

|Blog =

|Occupation =

|Nationality = Nigerian

|Languages = English, Hausa, Okpella

|Country = UK

|Skype address =

|Other roles =

| WM =

}} My Learning4Content course home page

My profile

This is your personal user page in WikiEducator. Tell us a little about yourself ..... be bold and try an edit now by starting to fill out your user page. This is a great way to practice your new wiki skills :-).

Professional background

Write something here ...


PhD Candidate School of English University of Nottingham, UK 2013 - Present

MA TESOL & ICT University of Leeds 2010

B.Ed Language Arts English. ABU Zaria, Nigeria

My interests


Write something here ...


Write something here

My wiki projects

My optional community service (learning contract) project

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
<Enter a brief description of the content resource or WikiEducator project you would like to work on here>
Target date for completion
<Specify the target date for completion --- you choose the date which can be after the completion of this workshop>.
 <Login and with the rich text editor click on the "Insert signature" button above: Signature button RTE.png.>

Feedback and notes from my WikiNeighbours

  • Hello Abdulmalik! A have added the user page boilerplate to your user page in order to give you some ideas. Feel free to adapt it to your liking, or you may simply remove it if you wish. I encourage you all to visit the requirements of becoming a WikiApprentice 1 and WikiApprentice 2, as we are here to help you achieve these goals. Feel free to contact me directly if I can be of any assistance. --Benjamin Stewart 12:49, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Abdulmalik, have you given any thought as to a project you'd like to work on? --Benjamin Stewart 16:31, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Abdulmalik, get certified as a WikiApprentice 1 today by adding the following: bold text, italics, headings and subheadings, and lists. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact me or one of your facilitators for assistance. --Benjamin Stewart 23:44, 26 July 2010 (UTC)