Gender Considerations in Youth Enterprise training

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Last edit: 23:37, 10 March 2011

From your notes and also from your experiences in your own countries, what are the gender constraints that the youth in enterprises face and what are the gender considerations that we should put in place for the youth in enterprise training?

Simonda (talk)05:55, 10 March 2011

Some of the gender constraints are that it is not easy for girls or young women to be allowed by their parents or guardians to travel long distances to get enterprise training. Also it is more difficult for youths to access financing for their enterprises. In order to address these challenges there is need to bring youth enterprise training closer to communities where girls are found.

GabKon (talk)06:28, 10 March 2011

Gender myths , stereotypes and bad norms have continued to down play women progression in discipline as it relates to self actualization. However, enterprises has nt been spared because of a number of reasons a. Women culturally are not believed to do well in any science and maths related course b. Women are not keen to take up challenges of entrepreneurship unless there are married and supported by their husbands otherwise many rural places will perceive them to be prostitutes c. Women are not expected to be more entrepreneurial minded than men or boys at any households such as preference will be given to boys d. Many men still thinks empowering their wives or a girl child is promoting promiscuity

What should b do?

A Lot of advocacy works should be done so as to make the rural communities aware about the many beautify and lovely things that comes with integrating gender perspective in any developmental activity at every level of society be it family or society level.

For a start give incentives to women so as to jump start the women participation atitude thereby making it more skewed to appreciating and accepting gender perspective as a cardinal vehicle to sustainable development Develop programs and policies that will target both women and men to work together and not the two to work as separate entity.

I will contribute more late


Isaac.fwemba (talk)19:51, 10 March 2011

Hi All,

In Zambia, some of the gender constraints that youth face

1. The unavailability of income or start up capital from micro financing companies or banks this especially felt by the female folk as these financing organizations ask for collateral or security which they do not have. 2. The lack of control to own finances especially for young women who are married as their husbands grab their money. 3. The triple role responsibility experienced by the women is also a hindrance to women as they are faced with more responsibilities than their male peers. 4. Lack of information and guidance from those in leadership positions. 5. Lack of freedom especially for the married women they are always being suspected of being promiscuous or unfaithfully. 6. Others are gender norms, values and stereotypes that are held by societies which disadvantage youth especially the young women. 7. Lack of confidence in the young people by their communities. 8. Lack of or inadequate trainings opportunities for the young people. 9. Early marriages and pregnancies. 10. Negative mind set or lack of confidence by the young people.

From experience, I think it would be to the advantage of the youth

• If we had more trainings in their communities because that way we would capture more youths and also help them understand that they could actually start viable business with what they have in their communities.

• Provide leadership and mentorship programmes which would also encompass behaviour change • Promote the working of men and women together so as to overcome gender stereotypes. • Encourage more young women to take up more responsibility roles in the management of finances in the family. • Encourage banks and micro financing organizations to have reduced interest rates for young people in businesses. • Government should put in place deliberate policies that boost and protect young entrepreneurs. • Have shows and markets in local communities where youths could exhibit and sell their merchandises

Mwaba (talk)02:20, 18 March 2011

GabKon, I totally agree with you. The most girls in Ghana are still under the absolute control of their parents, who in some cases determine where they are suppose to go, what to do etc. In such cases, the parents would have to know the value of entrepreneurship or they would not allow they to travel for such training.

Agyapongdan (talk)07:33, 21 April 2011

The gender constraints faced by youth in enterprise training are numerous and obviously vary from from one society to another. A few examples: - female youth may not have as much access to information on training opportunities as their male counterparts - female youth may have information about training opportunities but unable to pay - female youth may have information about training and able to pay but may not be allowed by their spouses or parents to leave home, if training is residential - Trainers usually do not provide facilities for youth who are breastfeeding

Among the gender considerations in enterprise training, therefore, are to ensure information reaches everyone (male and female) by targeting relevant channels and exercise flexibility to suit the unique requirements of both sexes.

Mulakom (talk)22:32, 10 March 2011

Hi All,

On gender constraints in my country, one aspect that female youth face is actually not in starting a business, but in sustainability. Most female youth, (18-35yrs), when they get married are unable to sustain the business they started as singles, because of the demands of raising children in the early childhood stages, they either have to abandon the business or the business may not be run successfully as it was before. This is further compounded by the slow pace of growth of online business in my country. Therefore one of the gender considerations in youth enterprise will be to inform and enlighten the youth, particularly the female youth to take advantage of the internet to promote their business.

Another issue on gender constraints is the issue of networking, for business to be successful, it is important that the entrepreneur be engaged in a number of social and business networks. Female youth may be constrained in this area, because of the perceived notion that women should not be as ‘outgoing’ as the men and also for safety reasons, as a result, they tend to limit the number of activities that they engage in. A way out will be to encourage the female youth to take the lead in establishing these networks, that way, they will have greater control of the activities, location and time , which may limit some of the safety and image perception issues associated with these networks.

Gender considerations should also focus on building the confidence of the female youth through provision of information and services that will limit the constraints they face in business, the male youth should also be enlightened on the need to incorporate gender considerations into their business networks and activities.

Shining Star (talk)00:48, 11 March 2011

Shining Star, to add to your point on constraints faced by young women, in my country (Zambia) my Ministry arranged some Skills and Entrepreneurship training for women among whom was a young woman. She was very promising in this women's group. But as you have put it, she got married and had to relocate and abandon the small scale mining business that she was engaged in.

GabKon (talk)07:20, 13 March 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 03:47, 11 March 2011

Hello Simonda,

The following are the gender constraints that youth in enterprises face:

  • Lack of acceptance of female youth in some businesses
  • Lack of family support
  • Lack of opportunities to access and control resources such as funds for starting and growing a business
  • Dominant stereotypes about female activities
  • Lack of funds for female youth to join mixed networks
  • Lack of confidence among the youth and especially the female youth to decide to start and grow a business and many more
  • People's and family attitudes towards a young female entrepreneurs
  • Lack of funds to pay for transport to go for training programmes and also pay for participation fees for training programmes

The following are the gender considerations to put in place:

  • Information on enterprise training programmes should be provided to both female and male youth so that they can all be aware about the training available
  • Information on training programmes should be made available for both male and female youth
  • Deliberate efforts to reach out for more female youth with information on youth enterprise training should be made by support institutions so that the female youth have equal chances and opportunities to participate in the training
  • Venue of the training programmes to be nearer to the communities so that the female youth can also participate
  • Use role models for training programmes
  • Monitoring and counseling services should be considered seriously
  • Training materials to be made available in local languages to carter for the youth especially the female youth
Ubandoma (talk)01:07, 11 March 2011

Lack of family support can be a very serious constraint. If your own family that is close to you cannot support you as a budding entrepreneur then that's serious. This then calls for interventions that target families so that they can support their family members in whatever form they can.

GabKon (talk)07:17, 13 March 2011

Hello Everyone,

The Gender constraints faced by youth include inequality and unbalanced opportunities between both sex, These include lack of opportunities to start and manage business, lack of skills, family support, information, funds. etc

Gender cosideration in youth enterprise include addressing the above stated constraints, providing guidance and counselling.

Luckyluka (talk)04:11, 11 March 2011

Hi Simonda,

The Gender constraints faced by youth is lack of fund for starting up the business, family support towards a young female entrepreneur, lack of confidence and opportunity for information on market for the product and services.

Gender consideration in youth enterprise is to ensure that information on programme reaches out on both sex, to support the youth by encouraging them to always participate on networking.

Chichi (talk)04:47, 11 March 2011

Chichi, an idea well noted is the funds for any start-up business enterprise that are very difficult for the youth to raise. Most often, they will even be required to access loans with collateral which the do not have.

Kafuiaheto (talk)05:10, 11 March 2011

Maybe other practical sources of funding should be explored like co-operatives, borrowing money from friends and relatives, selling old items in the home etc.

GabKon (talk)07:14, 13 March 2011

Chichi, I think encouraging women to form or belong to co-operatives commonly called "Stokvels" in South Africa also helps. 

What is surprising is that financial institutions find it easier to give men loans and yet it is possible that maybe women use the loans better and re-pay on time than men.

GabKon (talk)03:58, 12 March 2011

Some of the gender constraints are lack of confidence on the part of the youth to dare and explore other avenues apart from what is widely known. Another one is the lack of encouragement from government, civil societies, churches, families and friends. Inadequate financial institutions that are willing to support youth enterprises.

Gender considerations that we should put in place for the youth in enterprise training should include: The celebration of successful youth in enterprise. The use of youth for some key roles in the training to serve as role models for training programmes, Mentoring and counselling services.Information on youth enterprises should be readily available to trainees. --Kafuiaheto 16:07, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Kafuiaheto (talk)05:07, 11 March 2011

 Kaf interesting point you make on lack of confidence by the youth to explore new ventures. I think the role of mentors and role models cannot be over-emphasized. These can be from the same community, other regions or even countries. Youths need to see that viable enterprises can be done by youths like them and with those ofthe same gender!

GabKon (talk)04:17, 12 March 2011

Gender consideration in Youth Enterprise trainning is not only critical but also key to fostering youth participation in the country's economic activities. If not dealt with therefore can hamper progress.. i will continue sorry ,,later

Isaac.fwemba (talk)01:01, 12 March 2011

The Gender constraints faced by most Youths in relation to Business or entrepreneurship is as attributed by many that youths lack confidence especially the female youths,this is so because of the cultural values imposed by the family or society that a woman is best suited to do the house chores. What is needed to be put in place for the youth enterprise training is that,the female youths should be given some form of support in skills and business training,encouraging them to network with their male counterparts. There should also be some form of support coming from their families,instead of viewing them as performers of exclusive reproductive roles such as taking care of homes,families and communities.Samuel 18:32,11 March 2011.

Samipyet2011 (talk)05:33, 12 March 2011

Hi all,

Late but still engaged. Gender constraints affect youths in the type of business for example females are not encouraged to be involved in male dominated businesses eg engineering works, the same as males, they are not encouraged to open hair saloons. Girls face prejudice in the market place and are usually viewed from their sexual perspective not serious business people. These issues should be discussed openly and participants contribute to changes in perspective. They should also avoid self discrimination. --Smauye 14:00, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

Smauye91 (talk)03:00, 15 April 2011

Gender Constraints: In short there is a perception that males are better than females in doing business.

Gender considerations: There is need to change mindsets by encouraging women to step up to the plate when it comes to enterprenuership. Women have the same brain and levels of intelligence as men.

Kasonde (talk)18:55, 19 April 2011

As my opening remark, I suggest that issue of gender is not tackled when they become problems. Gender discussions should be discussed from social orientations. Of course due to childhood orientation in most African certain, girls and to a large extent women are afraid to take risk. Even during training sessions, they are afraid to answer questions. In view of this trainers should emphasize of the potential of women to take calculated risks and succeed in business.

Agyapongdan (talk)07:16, 21 April 2011

Gender is very important in our countries entrepreneurship development and also for our economic growth the more young women and youg men are equally empowered the greater the economic growth in our countries

Ckluchembe (talk)16:10, 23 April 2011

The issue of equality is quite complicated and debating. I have advocated to equity, fairness and empathy. Gender within the social structure is complex and it will take some time for people to appreciate and change their attitude towards women. I am saying this because books e.g. management books would use manager and not manageress. But as we have now appreciate and use chairperson and not chairman, things would definitely change.

Agyapongdan (talk)07:42, 21 April 2011