Gender Considerations in Youth Enterprise training
Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Ipyet/Gender Considerations in Youth Enterprise training
Hello Simonda,
The following are the gender constraints that youth in enterprises face:
- Lack of acceptance of female youth in some businesses
- Lack of family support
- Lack of opportunities to access and control resources such as funds for starting and growing a business
- Dominant stereotypes about female activities
- Lack of funds for female youth to join mixed networks
- Lack of confidence among the youth and especially the female youth to decide to start and grow a business and many more
- People's and family attitudes towards a young female entrepreneurs
- Lack of funds to pay for transport to go for training programmes and also pay for participation fees for training programmes
The following are the gender considerations to put in place:
- Information on enterprise training programmes should be provided to both female and male youth so that they can all be aware about the training available
- Information on training programmes should be made available for both male and female youth
- Deliberate efforts to reach out for more female youth with information on youth enterprise training should be made by support institutions so that the female youth have equal chances and opportunities to participate in the training
- Venue of the training programmes to be nearer to the communities so that the female youth can also participate
- Use role models for training programmes
- Monitoring and counseling services should be considered seriously
- Training materials to be made available in local languages to carter for the youth especially the female youth