Text Processing Skills
Basic skills applicable to producing communications in a business and personal context.
An OP Online course
Creating and opening folders
Please note: the following tutorials will open in a new window/tab. When you have finished the tutorial, simply close the window/tab and you'll return to this page.
Now complete the following steps:
- Open your My Documents folder (double-click on the Computer icon on your desktop and select Documents)
- Select File
- Select New
- Select Folder
- A New Folder will be inserted into your My Documents folder. While the text is selected type a name for your new folder. For this exercise name the folder Course Files
- Double Click on the folder to Open.
Your folder will be empty.
- Use the above steps create a folder inside your Course Files folder, name this folder Word Processing.
- Repeat these steps until you have a Spreadsheet, Publishing, Presentation and Images folder also inside your Course Files folder. Your Course Files folder should now look similar to this:
Portfolio Activity
Please note: If you are completing the assessment for this course, then you need to complete this portfolio activity.
- Re-familiarise yourself with the instructions on how to use ScreenR, from the Getting started section
- Then use ScreenR to record the following steps for assessment:
- Create a folder on the desktop that will be used to store personal reminders
- Name the folder appropriately
- Create a sub folder (within the folder created above) to be used for today’s reminders
- Name the folder appropriately.
This is an example of what your ScreenR recording should look like.
Save your recording and add it to your assessment portfolio.