File Management and Protection/File Management/Creating, saving, opening and closing files

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Creating, saving, opening and closing files

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Please note: the following tutorial will open in a new window/tab. When you have finished the tutorial, simply close the window/tab and you'll return to this page.

  • Re-familiarise yourself with Opening Applications from the online tutorial in the first activity.

Now complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Word Processing application on your computer (e.g. Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer). A blank document will appear on your screen
  2. Enter your name in the blank document
  3. Select File > Save As, the Save As dialog box will appear on your screen
  4. Select Libraries > Documents, on the left hand pane
  5. Open the Course Files folder (that you created earlier, then open the Word Processing folder
  6. Click in the File Name: field to name your file, use your name as the file name
  7. Select Save
  8. Select File > Close. The document you created will now be closed, although the Word Processing application will still be open on your screen.
  9. Select File > Exit. The program will now be closed.

Repeat Steps 1 – 9 to create the following files:

  • A document containing your address, saved in your Word Processing folder with the File Name Contact Details
  • A document with 3 stationery items, saved in your Word Processing folder with the File Name Stationery List

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Repeat Steps 1 – 9 in the previous activities to create the following files:
  • A document containing some monetary figures, using a Spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc), saved in your Word Processing folder with the File Name Budget
  • A document containing a short story and/or a photo, using a Presentation application (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress), , saved in your Word Processing folder with the File Name My Holiday

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Portfolio Activity

Please note: If you are completing the assessment for this course, then you need to complete this portfolio activity.

  • Use ScreenR to record the following steps for assessment:

  1. Open the Word Processing application on your computer and type: (Today’s Date) Shopping List as the heading
  2. List the following on separate lines: Bread, Eggs, Milk, Rubbish Bags
  3. Save and close this file with a relevant name into the appropriate folder.

Save your recording and add it to your assessment portfolio.

PC 2781 1.2