Talk:Wikieducator tutorial/What is a wiki

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Online workshop : Tutorial 1 - What is a Wiki?


Here are the discussion questions for Day 1:

  • What are your concerns about the quality of educational resources?
    • What are your concerns when they are developed using an open authoring approach?
    • How can an open authoring approach lead to / or contribute to the development of quality learning materials?
  • In your opinion, should course development for education use

closed or open authoring approaches?

    • What are the advantages and disadvantages?
    • From your perspective (identify your role / interest), what mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content development?
    • in general
    • in Wiki environments

Looking forward to reading your thoughts and ideas.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Day1- Views related to Wiki217:59, 27 October 2009
Desmond Tutu video215:46, 26 October 2009
Wrong link117:39, 14 July 2009
What we do not know about quality vs accesibility016:09, 25 November 2008
«no subject»001:29, 4 April 2008
Nice to meet112:21, 30 January 2008
Educational Resources and Quality Learning Material020:46, 10 October 2007
"The Cult of the Amateur"007:19, 10 October 2007

Day1- Views related to Wiki


Basically, I am not more concered about the quality of educational resource developing I just edited the few chapters of Mathematics Book for National Open School I had taken the classes of Mathematics paper for the students of B.C.A of Indira Gandhi Open University. I was the online teacher/ instructor of ITT Technical University USA. There, we gave answer of their queries and solved their problems through E-mails.</br>

But for the high quality learning material, the work must be started with basic definations and examples with a clear views so that a learner who even though would be seated far away, could understandthe workwithout attending the class, Theneach and every propoition or theorem must be illustrated with application. I had seen the CD,s of Japan University, they had given the examplesof permutation with the 3 Dimentional effect like I had seen some of the group theory examples on Wikipedia which were non-impresive and non attractive. These examples would be effective if they would have developed in the similar manner. </br>

You cnnot close this. Can any body stop flowingh water? They can just change the direction. New Concept and new theories are coming which are essential for us. All the theories and the formulas we can not teach them asa regular students. At each and every moment, we as well as the student has to learnnew theory. From where we can update ourselves? or the new generations can update themselves. Some times we write or dvelop new work and that left unpublished. If we have a platform, then our work will reach to the world easily. But we have to make certain restrictions and copywrite so that the work would related to the original author. Nobody could copy or take away the work.</br>

For the quality of Educational content- You can appoint an instructor of higher level whose work is to guide other developers for writting a material on certain topic. He may choose the content of one particular developer or he may make a complied content by using the material of different developers. There should be a query box or a Dialog box where the readers can ask their questions? </br>

I am not able to open this website http// please help</br>sarita

Sarita agarwal (talk)07:09, 27 March 2008

What are your concerns about the quality of educational resources?

After reading the article on the research that has been done on Wikipedia I am confident that the quality of the educational resources will be high. I didn't know that a person can subscribe to a page and can get an email when changes are made, so can undo something if its crap or vandalism. And as every version of a page is saved that is even better than saving on your home pc, the number of times I've lost stuff!

At the moment, my concerns about quality would be in regard to pages I've never visited or subscribed to and students are using them as resources and they happen to be crap. Students (myself included) are still learning to think critically and to evaluate resources, so harder to identify when a resource is off base.

What are your concerns when they are developed using an open authoring approach?

As above, that some resources may be crap and until others who can recognise this visit and edit, if they are not edited over themselves, well, there is crap out there that students are accessing and using.

How can an open authoring approach lead to / or contribute to the development of quality learning materials?

It's so organic, true science~ knowledge building on knowledge. The collaboration of people with different points of view on a topic coupled with their life experiences and skills re-presneting materials in different ways, my mind is exploding with the excitement of how a piece of knowledge can grow and become so much more than the seed it was when first uploaded. As the Cape document stated, information becomes a living idea. And tut stating that knowledge grows with reuse.

In your opinion, should course development for education use closed or open authoring approaches?

I love the concept of open authoring to provide free access to education. However, for those of us not affiliated with an institution, who create our own programs to bring income into the home, how do we make an income if we offer it all for free? Already some of us provide services at minimal fees to students of particular life circumstances, to be completely do I pay rent, internet, food~ let alone get a haircut or go to a movie...?

What are the advantages and disadvantages? Advantages Collaborative learning Integrated exchange between students and teachers More access to education by those in developing nations "improved learning opportunities" an enhanced society because we are all able to access education on an equal footing

Disadvantages Poor quality content Constant upkeep of added poor content Income for those not affiliated with an institution

From your perspective (identify your role / interest), what mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content development? o in general o in Wiki environments I am an online tutor:mentor, I can critically evaluate and make modifications to pages that I subscribe to. I can actively encourage other teachers to update their materials and to consider providing open source materials. Both in wiki environments and in physical classrooms.

Psitutor (talk)16:18, 26 October 2009

Hi Sarita,

It looks like there is a typo in your request above:


should be:

Hope this helps.

Kruhly (talk)17:59, 27 October 2009

Desmond Tutu video

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 15:44, 26 October 2009

it appears that the link to this video doesn't work which is disappointing

Robeanne (talk)22:25, 14 October 2009

Could you be more specific about which link you are talking about and the problems you are having?

The video on this page about Desmond Tutu seems to work for me.

Regards, Rob

Kruhly (talk)14:19, 16 October 2009

I was able to watch the vid on this link~ not sure how this info helps, if at all ~:-)

Psitutor (talk)15:46, 26 October 2009

Wrong link


The link to British Council Case Study should be this one:
The website has been redesigned and URLs have changed.
--Gabriela 22:06, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Gabriela (talk)11:06, 15 June 2009

Thanks Gabriela,

I have updated the link as per your suggestion.



Kruhly (talk)17:39, 14 July 2009

What we do not know about quality vs accesibility


I have been, by chance, in the education arena almost 20 years and have always believed in the strange "exploration" attitude towards knowledge. In other words, I do not believe in the old one-to-many format of teaching, but have always preferred a "participatory-horizontal" approach to knowledge, where both students and lecturers learn from each other as they discover or better, create knowledge day by day. I also believe that access is much more important than quality. And do not get me wrong, but the possibility of accesing the web to do a simple knowledge exchange is, in my humble opinion, much more greater than the guarantee that the concepts enclosed in the British Enciclopedia have all being corroborated and proved right. Even more so, when knowledge is there, open and available, then it becomes the property of the community who is responsible of veryfing it content (like in Wikipedia) but is even more reponsible in allowing access to others to consult, read, share in one word. I am definitely in favour of open sources for course development and would rather have a creative and unique approach to resources, accesible to all, than a proper- pseudointelectual-rigid format. I, for example, would rather have and provide access to a video link in Youtube, than defend the copyright of the piece in question, or the art behind the visual expresion. I think that, somehow, this is what our students in the Net Gen believe: share it, its valuable because it has been shared.

Probably a mechanism that could be adopted to assure quality of educational content development resides in the combination of several (score cards) elements such as: 1.Does it encourages student's engagement in learning? 2. Does it facilitate an exploratory approach to content? 3. Does it promote inquiry among students? 4. Is the content further developed by students in a constructivist approach to learning? 5. Is knowledge captured and enclosed or is it open to discovery and further exploration?

Okey, too many words.. hope I have been able to make some sense..


Mburkle (talk)16:09, 25 November 2008

«no subject»


Wiki Educator community can differentiate itself from other group by starting different projects. Sometimes the Learners or the Professionals want to update themselves but they have no time in studying regular college or school to get the particular certificate or degree. For that we can start the certificate or degree courses in those subjects. </br>

We can even start the tutor group. Sometimes we or the other have problem in a particular topic, that problem can be solved by Wiki educator group.</br>

Now the media has become money oriented.But there are some of the general problems which are still unsolved and nobody raises the questions due to political regions,due to the presence of the other powerful country.</br>

We can get a platform if we raise the problems of our country or of our people, definately, all other groups, people or the community will come forward to work with us.</br>


Sarita agarwal (talk)01:29, 4 April 2008

Nice to meet



I am sarita agarwal from India. I learned some new concepts about wiki and its open source file exe.I have downloaded but did run yet. With in few days i will learn and do something fruitful. Thanks for that.Nice to meet you all. sarita

Sarita Agarwal (talk)08:54, 30 January 2008

Hi Sarita -- welcome to WikiEducator.

Great to have you join our community.

Cheers Wayne

Mackiwg (talk)12:21, 30 January 2008

Educational Resources and Quality Learning Material

Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:46, 10 October 2007

(Am I in the right place?) I feel like I am tho only one here? Are people sneaking in and having a look and not posting? Am I talking to myself?

What is open authoring?[edit]

I'm not sure what you mean Wayne by an open authoring approach.

Three sort of stories about writing teaching materials by teachers/facilitators

GOOD STUFF: Is this a bunch of teachers getting together to develop materials to use in a class, maybe a bunch of physics teachers writing stuff for a Year 12 unit of work. I've done this. We had a lot of fun. It was productive and happy, based on some shared history, mutual respect.

NOT SO GOOD STUFF: In 1990 I participated in a one day workshop on ABA. We all started to work on things in groups of two, resulting in about 15 or so unfinished results. I helped collect the material in over the next month with the plan: "If you submit your work, you get a copy of all the work". Result: it was poor quality, unfinished, ALL the results being unuseable. No problem. Most eachers adapted finished off stuff for themselves. (Except me, I was more cunning). You can see how this was a wasted time and effort result.

RECENT CASE: I worked on a project (actually a moodle site and a wiki) to set up a teaching experience for a face-face workshop I was involved in. There were 19 of us from 9 countries. A few of us knew one another. This was fun, and really cool. We used Skype, a wiki as incubators, and then the final result in Moodle.

OK, even without a clear definition, I think I'm probably in favour of open authoring if it's set up right.

Processes for Open Authoring[edit]

Derekc (talk)20:46, 10 October 2007

"The Cult of the Amateur"


It's 4.16am here, just about to catch a plane to fly home. Last night I finished reading most of this anti-web 2.0 polemic byu Andrew Keen. He argues strongly against wikipedia, blogging, youtube . . . He has some good points. I will now read "Everything is Miscellaneous"  :-) Back online later.

Whichever view you take: our students need skills in discerning the value of posted stuff on the net.

Derekc (talk)07:19, 10 October 2007