Personal learning plan

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Now that you have identified a range of digital literacy skills that are necessary to your own work context and considered how you use those in practice you may have also come across skills and digital tools that you would like or need to use that you are not yet familiar with. The digital world is constantly changing and evolving so there will always be new things to learn.

This is a short module to help you to plan further learning to enhance and improve your digital literacy skills.

The skills from this module can be translated to planning other areas of learning and development for your work

To work through this module click on each of the tabs in the title bar and work through the pages in order.

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On successful completion of this module you will be able to:
  • plan professional development to enhance and improve your digital literacy skills relevant to your own work role.

This is the final step in preparing you to tell your practice story by the end of this module. You will be able to identify and demonstrate a range of digital literacy skills necessary within your own practice context and identify future development opportunities.