Wa lele po?

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Chapter 1

Wa lele po?

Tate:Wa lele po, Meme Liina? Meme:Ehee
Tate:Nawa tuu? Meme:Ehee . Ove wa lele po, Tate Petrus?
Tate:Ehee Meme:Nawa tuu?
Tate:Ehee, onawa  
B: Ongula
Tate:Kala po nawa, Meme Liina Meme:Eewa, enda po nawa Tate Petrus
Meme:Wa uhala po, Tate Landu? Tate:Ehee
Meme:Nawa tuu? Tate:Ehee. Ove wa uhala po, Meme Estera?
Meme:Ehee. Tate:Nawa tuu?
Meme:Ehee, onawa.  
Meme:Wa tokelwa po, Tate Josefa? Tate:Ehee.
Meme:Nawa tuu? Tate:Ehee.Ove wa tokelwa po, Meme Maria?
Meme:Ehee Tate:Nawa?
Meme:Ehee, onawa.  
Beata:Ongaipi, Andreas? Andreas:Onawa, kaume. Ongaipi?
English Oshikwanyama
Good Nawa
Morning Ongula
Afternoon (mid-day heat) Omutenya
Afternoon (late afternoon) Komatango
Evening Onguloshi
Night Oufiku
Friends ooKaume
Yes Ehee/ Ee / HeenoNoAhowe / Aaye
OK Eewa
Good morning Wa lele po?
Good afternoon Wa uhala po?
Good evening Wa tokelwa po?
Hello (and other informal greetings) Ongaipi / Ongiini
OngiiniGo well Enda po nawa
Stay well Kala po nawa
Sleep well (someone leaving for bed) Ka nangale po nawa
Sleep well (someone you're leaving) Nangala po nawa

Exercise 1

Translate the following conversation into English:
A:Wa uhala po Meme ...............? B:Ehee.
A:Nawa tuu? B:Ehee, ove wa uhala po Meme ..............?
A:Ehee. B:Nawa tuu?
A:Ehee, Onawa.  

Exercise 2

Fill in the missing words in the following conversation:
A:Wa ..................... po Meme .....................................? B:...............
A:Nawa tuu? B:Ehee, .................... Wa lele po Tate ...............................?
A:Ehee. B:Onawa tuu?

Exercise 3

Fill in the missing words in the following conversation:
A:Wa................... po Meme................................? B:.......................
A:Onawa .................? B:Ehee, wa ....................... po Meme ..........................?
A:Ehee. B:Nawa tuu?
A:Ehee, onawa.  

Exercise 4

Have a friend greet you for all of the times of day. Practice until you can do it without thinking.
Omukwanyama ta ti:~ Eyoka lakula itali ku hange u na odibo.

~A big snake will not find you if you have a stick.

(If you are always ready you will not have problems.)

Cultural note