OERu/fr/Issues for review

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Tasks for November 2021 launch

  1. Create Mautic emails from translations (use English labels for emails for admin purposes in Mautic)- Simonne Done (Claire to check if time)
  2. Create Mautic campaign - Wayne?
  3. Review category in WikiEducator - "needs review" https://wikieducator.org/Category:LiDA103fr_NeedsReview - Claire
  4. Landing page on OERu.org from translation (in Silverstripe) - Wayne / Claire
  5. Need French article for annotation on 'Digital Textbooks' page - Maybe use Fr version of UNESCO OER recommendations. Need to amend questions in text accordingly. Claire
  6. Set up two Moodle courses - Simonne:
    • Knowledge test (re-using end of module quiz questions) - done except for query below. Would be good to check whole thing if time.
    • Competency test (translation - check number of questions for grade to pass) (badge and cert free of charge; cert and badge design to come from Torunn) - with pre-test. Quizzes created but need to add badges and certificate, and add some more instructions when translated.
  7. Check with Anais that all video translations done - Wayne
  8. Liaise with Anais re creation and uploading of new French videos - Wayne

Resolved tasks for November launch

  1. Set up Mautic theme for email campaign - Wayne - Done
  2. Announcements link to English versions of the Mautic automated email campaign. Update to French version - Simonne Done
  3. Create doc for French translation of Mautic landing page based on https://mautic.oeru.org/lida103-landing-page-aquaduct (target page for 'Sign up. It's free' button on micro-course page on oeru.org)- one for cohort and one for individual study - and https://mautic.oeru.org/email/preview/450 (Landing page registration acknowledgement) and https://mautic.oeru.org/lida103-registration-confirmed-landing-page - Simonne Done
  4. Check outstanding small translation requests with French Team (includes link to translation document with a few outstanding queries in comments) - Simonne Done
  5. Remind French Team re needing French resources on Resources page - Simonne - and update resources page - Claire. Done
  6. Create Fr version of survey in Lime Survey from translation - then link on Start page (use transclusion) and Syllabus page (use transclusion) and transclusion for survey - Claire - Done
  7. Need translation for How to certify competency page - - review content then Ask Anais (cc rest of team) with other translations. Done (was included within Mautic emails translation document)
  8. Links to Moodle and enrolment key on certification options page - Simonne. Done
  9. https://course.oeru.org/lida103-fr/communications/fil-dactualite-du-cours/ Message for learner if not logged in (and wanting to use WEnotes) needs to be translated into French and then ask Dave to change - Simonne emailed Anais again 9 Nov. Done

For future iterations

  1. Practice test instructions and quiz questions - needs translation - in meantime, that section has been commented out on the Certify participation page

Resolved issues