OERu/Planning/OERu Management Committee/14.09 Meeting of the OERu Management Committee

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When: 16 Sept 10:00am New Zealand Time / 15 Sept 3.00pm Vancouver time
Where: Google Hangouts on Air
Back channel: WENotes (login to WikiEducator to post) or post on Twitter using the #OERu tag.


  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Approval of the minutes of the OERuMC meeting of 27 May 2014 (On 15 Sept 2014 + 1000 page views)
  3. Aims of the meeting
  4. Matters arising:
    • Review of progress on action items of the meeting of 27 May 2014.
    • Feedback on national regulatory issues after meeting of the Universities Australia Standing Group on Quality.
    • Paper proposing practical guidelines regarding audio and video.
    • Telephonic interviews with OERu partners to discuss obstacles to active engagement.
    • Design process to communicate OERu needs and where partners and volunteers can contribute.
  5. New OERu partners
    • Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (UAE)
    • The Open University (UK)
    • Moscow State University of Economics, Science, Statistics and Informatics (MESSI), (Russian Federation) - confirmed
    • The University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland) - confirmed.
  6. Reports from the working groups (Maximum of 5 minutes per report)
  7. 2014 Audit of course nominations 31 full course equivalents (including 30 micro courses).
  8. Drafting of the OERu strategic plan
    • Strategic plan as living document (incorporating annual report and operational targets for the following year)
    • OERuMC convener contributions for the 2014 report to be included in Strategic Planning draft - Target 10 October 2014 (Propose 3 paragraphs: 1) Agreed objectives 2) Report on 2014 activities 3) Recommendations for 2015.)
  9. Target outputs of working groups for November meetings
    • All conveners to produce report for inclusion in the annual report (see above)
    • Strategic planning working group
      • Outputs: Draft strategic plan and annual report
    • Curriculum and programme of study working group
      • Outputs: Inventory of OERu partners with BGS, Audit of which course nominations could be accredited towards BGS?
    • Course design and development partners manual working group
      • Output: Initial draft of the manual?
    • Course approval and quality working group
      • Output: Initial draft of quality standards, Draft design blueprint?
    • Credit transfer and course articulation working group
      • Output: Summary of selected partner interviews, Initial draft of guidelines for credit transfer and articulation?
    • Technology working group
      • Output: Prototype of responsive course site snapshot using OERu theme, demonstration of USQ snapshot alternative?
    • PLAR portfolio course working group
      • Output: Design for breakout session to plan the PLAR portfolio project at the partners meeting?
    • Marketing, recruitment and communication working group
      • Output: Draft plan of action for discussion at partners meeting?
  10. Mediawiki software Upgrade (V1.23.3) now incorporating visual editor.
  11. Project management tools
    • Macro-level planning - Recommend that OERuMC utilise a hosted instance of SO Planning to schedule projects and milestones
    • Activity planning - Recommend that OERu community use Trello boards or similar tools for agile planning and completion of activities.
  12. 2014 Process evaluation of OERu operations (Australian Digital Futures Institute).
    • Online survey
    • Selected interviews (e.g. to help identify obstacles to engagement - see matters arising above)
  13. 2014 OERu meetings
    • OERu Council of Chief Executive Officers - Almost at full capacity with 50% of partner institutions represented at the meeting.
    • 3rd Meeting of Anchor Partners and Australian National OER Symposium - Registrations still open. Note that participants should book accommodation as soon as possible due to competing events.
    • Drafting of agendas for the meetings.
  14. Add agenda items here

Meeting papers

  1. Letter from Chair of OERu Council of CEOs including progress reportPDF down.png

Minutes and decisions

3rd OERu Management Committee Meeting
  1. Attendance: Irwin DeVries, Jim Taylor, Sandra Wills, Sarah Lambert, Marc Singer, David Bull, Wayne Mackintosh, Kelly Warnock. Apologies: Christine Wihak, David Sadler.
  2. [4:40] Approved minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the OERuMC.
    • Noted that minutes were posted and circulated on 27 May 2014. No amendments proposed in the wiki.
  3. [7:44] Confirmed aims of the meeting. (See agenda Item 3 above).
    • Reviewed progress on achievement of 2014 operational priorities.
      • Confirmed 5 new partners to date aiming to achieve 10 new partners by the end of 2014.
      • Exceeded course nomination target of 20 courses, with 31 full course equivalent nominations received to date.
      • On track to produce design and development partners manual, quality guidelines, guidelines for credit transfer and articulation and data inputs for developing the OERu programme of study for discussion and consultation at the November partners meeting.
  4. [7:48] Noted matters arising derived from the list of outstanding action items from the previous meeting (see Agenda Item 4 above). These items are placed on the agenda for attention at future meetings.
  5. [9:32] Welcomed the four new partners (See agenda Item 5 above) who have joined the network since the last OERuMC meeting.
    • Noted that the OERu network now extends to six geographical regions of the world, with the addition of the Middle East.
  6. [10:55] Received reports from the working groups:
    • [11:11] Strategic planning: Project is on schedule and constructive feedback has been received. The strategic plan will be implemented as a "living document" to be tabled at the 2014 annual meeting of anchor partners. Each each year the strategic plan will incorporate an annual report and recalibration of annual targets in response to changes in the OERu environment.
      • Noted the progress reportPDF down.png included in the letter from the Chair of the OERu Council of CEO's which was distributed to executive management of all OERu partners. Sarah noted that the letter was well received by the Deputy Vice Chancellor and circulated at the University of Wollongong. Jim Taylor highlighted the quicklinks page developed by USQ which provides a "one stop" access point to all relevant OERu planning pages in the wiki.
    • [16:05] Course design and development partners manual: Kelly Warnock reported that the 1st draft has been completed and that the team are seeking feedback from the partner network.
    • [17:50] Course approval and quality: The group meets regularly scheduling two meetings to accommodate international time zones for Africa/Europe and Oceania/North America. The group proposes: 1) A modified OERu design blueprint to promote quality processes during design and development, and 2) Modifying the eCampusAlberta Quality eToolkit published under a CC-BY license for the OERu as a quality review instrument.
      • Noted the need for OERuMC to discuss solutions for working across multiple time zones taking growth in the European region into account.
      • Noted the importance of proactive strategies to promote and extend partner engagement in working group activities
    • [27:37] Credit transfer and course articulation: Group in the process of interviewing selected partners to determine what is implementable at sending and receiving institutions. Based on feedback to date, the group is in a position to draft guidelines to be tabled for discussion and feedback at the OERu partners meeting.
      • Noted that due to capacity constraints, the interviews were limited to a selection of partners who have made reasonable progress with course development.
      • Noted the new policy development at the University of Wollongong which references open education. Agreed to extend the inventory interview to include the University of Wollongong.
    • [33:29] Curriculum and Programme of Study: The working group will administer an online survey to draw up an inventory of partners who offer a Bachelor of General Studies (or equivalent credential) including local matriculation requirements. The survey will also identify which of the 2014 course nominations could potentially be recognised for credit towards the local Bachelor of General Studies.
      • Noted the advantages of the micro format to: stagger course development, flexibility to diversify curriculum and foster opportunities for collaborative development.
      • Endorsed the principle that partner institutions should nominate the full set of micros mapped to a local course to ensure formal credit for micro-courses.
    • [43:00] Technology: The working group meets fortnightly and during this reporting period focused on the Mediawiki software upgrade, supporting the development of the GSoC peer review tool and progressing the course site design project to develop a responsive CSS Framework for publishing OERu course sites based on the OERu theme with options for partners to customise the theme.
      • Noted that the University of Southern Queensland is developing an alternative theme as well as an additional tool for packaging a course snapshot illustrating the benefits of promoting a community source model for the OERu.
    • [51:26] PLAR Portfolio course: The team has been focusing on how best to convene the working group and how to determine the objectives taking into account the diversity of how PLAR is implemented at different institutions and across national boundaries. Thomas Edison State College has contributed a PLAR courses and received email feedback and ideas on how to generalise the course. The plan of action is to develop an outline for discussion of the PLAR project at the partners meeting.
    • [56:40] Marketing, recruitment and communication: Noted that this is a small group and emphasised the need to recruit more working group members from the network. The group is aiming to draft a plan of action for discussion at the partners meeting.
      • Emphasised the need for a proactive and priority response to achieve the partner recruitment target for 2014.
  7. [1:02:12] Noted the positive response from the 2014 call for course nominations.
  8. [1:02:30] Agreed that conveners will prepare a short report on their activities by 10 October 2014 comprising three paragraphs to include: 1) the agreed objectives of the working group 2) report of activities for 2014 and 3) recommendations for activities / targets for 2015.
  9. [1:04:55] Discussed target outputs for the working groups in preparation for the 2014 partners meeting:
    • Agreed that the Strategic Planning working group will draft the strategic plan and coordinate the inclusion of the working group annual reports.
    • Agreed that the Curriculum and Programme of Study working group will complete the inventory survey of partner institutions which offer a Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) and which course nominations could be accredited towards the local BGS.
    • Agreed that the Course Design and Development Partners Manual working group will incorporate feedback from OERu partners in preparing the next version of the manual for discussion at the partner's meeting.
    • Agreed that the Course Approval and Quality working group will prepare a "draft quality guidelines review document" and design blueprint exemplar for discussion at the partners meeting.
    • Agreed that the Credit Transfer and Course Articulation working group will prepare an aggregated summary of the partner interviews and draft guidelines for OERu credit transfer and articulation for discussion at the partners meeting.
    • Agreed that the Technology working group will prepare prototype examples of the new OERu themed course site and the alternate theme developed by the University of Southern Queensland.
    • Agreed that the PLAR portfolio course working group will design a breakout activity to progress the activities of this working group at the partners meeting.
    • Agreed that the Marketing, Recruitment and Communication working group will table a plan of action for discussion at the partners meeting.
  10. [1:10:45] Recorded a vote of confidence and thanks to Jim Tittsler for the seamless and successful upgrade of the Mediawiki installation for WikiEducator which now includes the visual editor.
    • Sarah noted that the visual editor should help new WikiEducator editors.
  11. [1:14:14] Resolved to install a hosted instance of instance of SO Planning to support project management of the OERuMC projects. The OERF will provide administrative rights for all conveners.
    • Noted that as the OERu project scales, the need for project management tools will increase. The SO Planning hosted service does not restrict the number of users or number of projects and could be extended to support OERu course development teams and related OERu projects.
  12. [1:20:17] Advised the OERuMC of the plans to commission the Australian Digital Futures Institute (ADFI) to assist with a "process" evaluation of the 2014 OERu activities as part of our obligations to funders but also to inform the implementation of the OERu. The ADFI conducted the OERu context evaluation.
    • Noted that the CIPP model should also include an evaluation of the inputs. Will liaise with Jim Taylor for advice on how to incorporate an input evaluation within the funding allocation we have for the evaluation.
    • David Porter recommended that we consider a sequential exploratory design with interviews ahead of the survey design.
  13. [1:23:29] Reviewed registrations for the 2014 OERu partners meeting and the CEO's meeting. CEO's meeting is nearing full capacity with 50% of partner institutions to be represented at the meeting. Wayne will follow up on OERu Partner Meeting attendees who indicated that they would be attending the Australian National OER Symposium if separate registration is required.
  14. [1:26:40] Noted that Charles Sturt University are planning to run an International Policy Think Tank on the afternoon following the OERu CEO's meeting as part of their OLT open education grant.

Action items

  1. Distribute invitation to all partners to provide feedback on the course design and development partners manual including how to provide feedback. Done --Mackiwg (talk) 05:39, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  2. Include discussion at OERu partners meeting for dealing with multiple time zones participation in the OERuMC meeting. Discussed at partners meeting --Mackiwg (talk) 05:39, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  3. Incorporate session at partners meeting to consider strategies and approaches for OERu community building and active partner engagement. Discussed at partners meeting. --Mackiwg (talk) 05:39, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  4. Include University of Wollongong in the inventory interview for the credit transfer and course articulation activity. Done. Contacted Sarah with details on the questions. --Mackiwg (talk) 00:02, 7 October 2014 (UTC)
  5. Ensure that principles for OERu micro courses are included for discussion at partners meeting. --Mackiwg (talk) 05:39, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  6. Australian partners to liaise and leverage the advantage of hosting the OERu meetings in Australia to promote recruitment from Australia, including invitations to institutions to join the partners meeting as observers. Done - invitations sent to a number of Australian universities to consider joining OERu or attending as observer. --Mackiwg (talk) 23:12, 6 October 2014 (UTC)
  7. Follow up with OERuMC conveners to prepare copy for inclusion in the 2014 annual report. Done - sent email on 7 October 2014. --Mackiwg (talk) 00:00, 7 October 2014 (UTC)
  8. Prepare and send email to conveners for achieving agreed target outputs in preparation for the partners meeting. Done --Mackiwg (talk) 05:40, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  9. OERF to liaise with Jim Taylor and David Porter on the design of the Input/Process evaluation. Done --Mackiwg (talk) 05:40, 30 June 2015 (UTC)
  10. Follow up with UTAS on registration requirements for the Australian National OER Symposium. Sent email to organisers --Mackiwg (talk) 01:23, 17 September 2014 (UTC)