OERu/Planning/OERu Management Committee/14.05 Meeting of the OERu Management Committee

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When: 27 May 2014, 10:00AM NZST (Click on link for local time.)
Where: Google Hangouts on Air
Back channel: WENotes (login to WikiEducator to post) or post on Twitter using the #OERu tag.


  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Approval of the minutes of the the OERuMC meeting of 8 April 2014
  3. Matters arising:
  4. Reports from the working groups (Maximum of 5 minutes per report)
  5. 2014 OERu audit of proposed course contributions - Due date 15 June 2014 (Links: Instructions for 2014 Audit of course contributions | Online submission form)
  6. Open OERu strategic planning consultation
  7. OERu course site design project: Request for quotation
    • Partners who could quote in the work
    • Possibility of small financial contribution from partners to progress this work.
  8. 2014 Google Summer of Code project (Akash Agarwal): Peer Evaluation
  9. Partner contributions for OERu news announcements. (Examples: Unisa OER strategy, BCcampus micro-MOOCs post, TRU post on first OERu learner to earn credit.)
  10. Membership recruitment initiative.
  11. OERu 2014 meetings (Currently: OERu Council of CEOs meeting (15 Executives from 6 countries); 3rd meeting of OERu partners (8 respondents from 5 countries).)
  12. Initial review of the working group and OERuMC model
  13. Date of next meeting: Week starting 15 or 21 July?
  14. General

Meeting papers

  1. Minutes of the OERuMC meeting of 8 April 2014
  2. Progress on action items from previous meeting
  3. 2014 OERu audit of proposed course contributions
  4. Instructions for 2014 Audit of course contributions | Online submission form
  5. Discussion of strategic goals and Summary of recommendations
  6. OERu course theming prototypes using the Snapshot approach

Minutes and decisions

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Key points
  1. Received reports from OERu working groups
  2. OERu audit of proposed course contributions - nominations required by 15 June 2014
  3. Urgent appeal for feedback on GSoC Peer Evaluation project
  4. Request for quotations and possible (small) financial contributions to progress themable course site design project
  5. Partners are reminded to submit OER or OERu related news at their institutions for publication on the OERu website.
  6. Encourage wide feedback on OERu open strategic planning consultation
  7. Strategies to promote active partner engagement in the OERu network

Recording of the 2nd Meeting of the OERuMC (Use time stamps indicated to forward to relevant item in the minutes below).

  1. Attendance: Brian Lamb, Irwin DeVries, Christine Wihak, Ron McGivern, Sandra Wills, David Saddler, David Bull, Marc Singer, Wayne Mackintosh. Apologies: Jim Taylor, Sarah Lambert.
  2. [4:55] Approval of minutes
    • Summarised the meeting reporting process: 1) Agendas are published in the wiki with the ability for anyone to add items. 2) OERuMC meetings are broadcast live so accurate record of discussions and decisions 3) Minutes are summarised on the wiki meeting page. Attendees a can comment and refine minutes in the wiki. 4) Key point summaries are prepared for reporting back to the OERuMC 5) List of action items generated for each meeting and use strikeout to indicate action items completed.
    • Noted that formal approval of minutes is not required as this is in effect achieved with the open documentation of meetings in the wiki and the ability for attendees to comment and refine minutes combined with a detailed edit history.
  3. [7:36] Matters arising
    • No additions to the agenda
    • Noted progress on the action items from previous meeting.
    • Outstanding item: Instruction page for project management, scheduling and reporting progress on tasks identified by the working groups. The intention is to provide an overview of all the main tasks. Initial idea was to trial a plugin for the OER Chair Website, but will review if a sortable wiki table provides a better solution.
    • [9:58] Noted connectivity and local bandwidth difficulties reported by Sandra Wills in the chat stream.
  4. [10:41] Received report from Curriculum and Programme of Study working group. (Due to technical difficulties Sandra was experiencing with her connection, Wayne and David summarised the report. Sandra also summarised the outputs in the Google Hangout Q&A stream.)
    • Noted collaboration between the Strategic Planning and Curriculum working groups in preparing and launching the audit of OERu course contributions.
    • Noted that the working group is collecting policies and websites information about Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degrees from each of the working group members in order to move forward with designing a template for collecting information about from all OERu members.
    • Advised that David Saddler has included an item on the agenda of the Universities Australia Standing Group on Quality to discuss any potential regulatory issues relating to the OERu model. David will provide a report back on the position in Australia.
    • Noted that other OERu partners from other national and/or regional jurisdictions should be encouraged to identify and report any regulatory issues which are pertinent to the design of the OERu credentialing model.
  5. [14:54] Received report from the Course design and development partners manual working group.
    • Noted two primary audiences 1) Senior managers of OERu partners and prospective members (succinct summary of benefits of OERu and how to engage.) 2) Course developers (including academics, learning designers, media professionals etc.)
    • Noted excellent suggestion to develop mini MOOC on how to engage with the OERu - but will be deferred until manual is completed.
    • Noted that a student manual is needed, but not the 1st priority.
    • Reviewed the provisional Table of contents
    • Resolved that the Partners Manual group will collaborate with the Technology group in developing wiki page for OERu workflow.
  6. [21:10] Noted that the Course Approval and Quality group have not convened a meeting to date and that Sarah has posted a public call on the OERu planning list for recruiting working group members.
  7. [21:55] Received report of the Credit Transfer and Course Articulation working group
    • Noted a disagreement within the working group regarding the incorporation of open badges into the objectives for the working group as recommended by the previous OERuMC. This will be discussed further by members of the group at the next meeting.
    • Group will focus on what OERu "sending" and "receiving" partners can do now with regards to awarding credit and/or transcripting credit to inform the development of a survey to determine what is achievable in the short term. A brainstorm document is available and comments are invited.
    • Noted outstanding actions for Wayne to invite participation from colleagues from the Registrars office and invitation to COL for TQF representative to join the working group.
  8. [26:53] Received report of the Technology group.
    • Noted the focus of the group to enhance the OERu technology infrastructure taking into account open platforms and open file formats.
    • Acknowledged the need for guiding how the OERu will integrate rich media (audio and video).
    • Emphasised the priority to enhance usability and aesthetics of the presentation / publishing layer of OERu courses incorporating responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Suggested developing a presentation layer for OERu courses based on the OERu website theme.
    • Requested OERu partners to assist with building our community source model. Institutions could contribute code to our shared developments, provide contribution in kind (eg developing documentation or usability testing) and consider small financial contributions from existing budget lines in eg + $1000 to scale the work on improving our technology infrastructure.
    • Acknowledged Jim Tittsler's work in preparing the Request for quotation for OERu course site design project:
    • Stressed the importance to provide feedback on the GSoC Peer_Evaluation project.
  9. [35:50] Noted with thanks that Marc Singer has recently stepped up to convene the PLAR portfolio course working group.
    • Advised that TESC has released its two PLA courses under open license and provides a valuable starting point for the working group
    • Noted comments from viewers, notably Joyce McKnight that colleagues from ESC may be able to contribute in kind and that they have PLAR related material available.
  10. [35:55] Received report of the Marketing, recruitment and communication group.
    • Summarised the focus to build a communication strategy for recruiting partners and learners for OERu courses
    • Resolved to action letter from Chair of Council of CEO's to invite partners to assist with identifying leads to recruit an additional 10 partners for the current year.
    • Requested contribution in time from Directors or senior staff in the corporate communication departments of OERu partners to assist with refining copy for communication brochure succinctly summarising the benefits of the network.
    • David Sadler stressed the importance of an OERu communication brochure incorporating the social principles on which the OERu is based as many universities are currently framing their own marketing response to the MOOC space and the OERu should be factored into these processes.
    • Resolved to approach David Porter who has excellent ideas in communicating the "marketing" message and value proposition of the OERu.
  11. [44:23] Received report of the Strategic Planning working group
    • Noted that the Audit of OERu course contributions aiming to identify 20 new courses was launched.
    • Noted the launch of the strategic planning consultation.
  12. [46:30] Noted the current audit of OERu course contributions confirming that email invitations were sent to all OERu contact staff and posted on the OERu partners email list.
  13. [48:23] Reviewed progress on the Open OERu strategic planning consultation
    • Summarised the three phases of the planning process: 1) Open consultation phase (12 May to 5 July) 2) Synthesis phase commencing with SCOPE seminar (Aug to October) 3) Approval phase - OERu Council of CEOs and OER Foundation Board of Directors (Nov/Dec).
    • Noted good quality feedback on the strategic goals (Currently about 1000 page views).
    • Confirmed that invitations for feedback were sent by personal email to OERu CEOS (or their representatives) and OERu contact staff. Invitations are also posted on the main lists maintained by the OER Foundation and the news section of the OERu website.
    • Questioned whether we are succeeding in getting wide feedback from all stakeholder groups, for example non-OERu partners, prospective learners and international agencies.
    • Resolved to post regular reminders to OERu partners, and pro-actively seek input from non-OERu partners and request international agencies to invite feedback through their communication channels.
  14. [56:10] Discussed the OERu course site design project
    • Illustrated proof of concept developed by the OERF showing how a wiki table of contents can produce a themable HTML snapshot
    • Noted the request for quotation to develop a theme based on the OERu website plus ability for OERu partners to customise the theme according to their own visual identity.
    • Resolved to invite partners to quote on the development and identify if any partners could make a small financial contribution from their own budgets to assist with the cost of development.
    • Resolved that partners continue to author with the current environment and that the OERu continue to implement solutions to lower the barriers of entry.
  15. [1:01:50] Reviewed Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project on Peer Evaluation
    • Acknowledged the achievement for OERF to be awarded a GSoC slot.
    • Noted that the OERu peer evaluation project is aimed to scale formative evaluation support and is not intended as a substitute for summative evaluation for formal academic credit.
    • Emphasised the urgent need for OERu partners to provide Akash Agarval feedback on the proposal.
    • Advised that the University of Tasmania has an interest in Peer Evaluation and will contribute feedback.
  16. [1:04:19] Revisited OERu partners meeting decision to contribute regularly to news on the OERu website.
    • Resolved to remind partners to contribute to OERu news.
  17. [1:05:34] Reviewed operational priority to recruit 10 additional partners during 2014.
    • Noted that Chair of the OERu Council of CEO's will prepare letter encouraging partners to assist with achieving our recruitment targets. (If each partner could identify one successful lead, the OERu would exceed its targets.)
    • Noted that exceeding the target of 20 new partners by 2015 could increase the rate of course production by investing surplus revenue in paid course development for the benefit of the network.
  18. [1:07:23] Update on OERu 2014 meetings
    • Noted that invitations have been distributed, registrations are open and arrangement on track.
    • Noted the opportunity for OERu attendees to join the Australian National Symposium on Open Education at University of Tasmania
    • Resolved to remind partners to register early and book accommodation as there are competing events in Hobart.
  19. [1:08:44] Reviewed model of working groups and OERuMC based on experience thus far
    • Noted that the agility of the open approaches of the OERu is a strength but an increasing workload is being carried by a small number of OERu partners
    • Observation: Working groups, with the exception of the technology group, were not intended to be permanent structures. Ideally short-term achievable tasks. Once tasks are achieved, the group can dissolve thus keeping OERuMC dynamic and opening opportunities for new partners to group around needs and join the OERuMC as appropriate.
    • Emphasised the importance to prioritise OERu related activities which are aligned with mainstream organisational processes.
    • Confirmed that OERu is at a juncture in its journey where the inertia to develop a number of infrastructure pieces generates a higher workload than would be anticipated once the model is running smoothly.
    • Noted the shortcoming of accurate and up to date information on what courses are being developed in the network.
    • Noted the challenge of increasing active engagement from all partner institutions.
    • Noted example of more experienced OERu partner paying forward by sharing information on how OERu works with new partners.
    • Resolved to incorporate a reminder regarding the 0.2FTE contribution in letter from Chair of the Council of CEO's
    • Resolved to initiate a process to contact individual partners for telephonic interviews to discuss obstacles to engagement.
    • Resolved to find a solution to clearly articulate current OERu needs which partner institutions and volunteers could assist with.
  20. [1:23:55] Date of next meeting
    • Resolved to schedule the next meeting during the week of 15 July 2014 (NZST)

Action items

  1. Schedule date for next meeting the week of 15 July 2014. Scheduled for 14 September 2014. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  2. David Saddler to report back to OERu on the Australian position after meeting of the Universities Australia Standing Group on Quality
  3. Encourage other regions to report back on national regulatory issues pertaining to the OERu credentialing model.
  4. Set up processes to progress development of OERu workflow as collaboration between Partners Manual and Technology working groups. Commenced development of resources for course sprint including outline of the process and workflow summary. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  5. Progress work to develop theme based on OERu website. Commenced course site design project. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  6. Develop paper suggesting practical guidelines for consideration by the community regarding solutions for incorporating audio and video.
  7. OERuMC members encouraged to invite feedback on the Peer Evaluation proposal - this is needed sooner rather than later so this can be considered for the GSoC development. GSoC project completed. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  8. Action letter from Chair of Council of CEOs inviting participants to assist with membership recruitment and alerting partners to specific needs in contributions from staff in completing the infrastructure components for successful progress of the OERu at this phase of our development. Letter drafted --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  9. Approach David Porter for help on the OERu "marketing" message for partners.
  10. Action reminders to OERu partners for audit of course contributions. Nominations for 31 full course equivalents received. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  11. Invite OERuMC members to encourage feedback on strategic plan from non-OERu members Hosted open SCoPE seminar. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  12. Post regular reminders for feedback on strategy consultation on OERu lists --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  13. Wayne to contact international agencies for help in inviting wide feedback on the OERu strategic plan.
  14. Invite partners to quote on the course design project and identify if any OERu partners are in a position to make a small financial contribution to this development project. No quotations or contributions received from partner institutions. Newspash will develop the framework funded by Otago Polytechnic. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  15. Send additional reminder to OERu partners for feedback on the Peer evaluation project Done --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  16. Remind partners to contribute to OERu news posts.
  17. Remind partners to book accommodation early for OERu 2014 meetings in Hobart. Done --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  18. Incorporate reminder of 0.2FTE contribution in letter from Chair of the Council of CEOs. Letter drafted. --Mackiwg 22:27, 28 August 2014 (UTC)
  19. Design process for telephonic interviews with OERu partners to discuss obstacles to active engagement.
  20. Design process to communicate OERu needs where partners and volunteers can contribute (consider inclusion with the community source activity of the Technology group.)