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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Helping OER get better ...

CollabOERate, is a thought leader's and practitioner's petri dish where OER futures are cultured for the benefit of individual OER projects around the world. CollabOERate is the OER equivalent of research and development (R & D) for new "product" design in open content and open education. CollabOERate is successful when it succeeds in growing the OER ecosystem in a sustainable way.


Aims of CollabOERate

CollabOERate is a new global concept which aims to:

  • Assist individual OER initiatives and projects to better achieve their local aims through smart win-win collaborations on a global scale
  • Offer help and support to institutions as they migrate to OER.
  • Promote the co-design and implementation of demonstrator projects which transcend individual OER project "silos" thus representing the open content equivalent of industry's "co-opetition" model, that is, where individual OER projects choose to collaborate in areas of their operation to enhance the attainment of local project objectives.
  • Identify the world's best national and regional OER project concepts which can be revised and remixed for scaling up internationally.
  • Reduce unnecessary duplication of effort and enhance return on scarce OER financial resources.
  • Share the risks associated with innovation in OER while enhancing the skills and experience of local OER practitioners.

Rules of the game ...

Chess pieces - Piezas de ajedrez.jpg
CollabOERate projects subscribe to:
  • Open Philanthropy, ensuring a level playing field for all contributors including Philanthropy, Education and the Private sector where we develop all documents including any funding proposals as free content. In this way those individuals and organisations best positioned to achieve the aims of CollabOERate have the freedom to move forward for the collective benefit of all.
  • Licensing of all outputs of CollabOERate projects to provide permissions aligned with the requirements of the free cultural works definition (that is, CC0, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA).
  • An Open Everything disposition -- Open everything is a global conversation about the art, science and spirit of 'open'. It gathers people using openness to create and improve software, education, media, philanthropy, architecture, neighbourhoods, workplaces and the society we live in: everything. It's about thinking, doing and being open.


Strategic projects

In working towards a sustainable ecosystem, CollabOERate has identified and will be working on the following projects:

Project Strategic rationale
OER Course Collaboratory Strategic priority: Economics and sustainability of OER. Demonstrator for using OER to diversify curriculum offerings for low enrolment courses while building capacity for OER (Long tail prototype)
International Open Course Library Project Strategic priority: Economics and sustainability of OER. Project aimed to maximise return on OER investment and to reduce the cost-to-students of instructional materials by focusing OER collaboration on high enrolment courses with the ability to produce customised OER outputs. (Mass-customisation protype)
Connexions - WikiEducator OER remix Project Strategic priority: Technical interoperability. Project aimed to increase the flow and remix among OER projects subscribing to the free cultural works definition
mOER4One Strategic priority: Organisational-based investment for earmarked OER course development. A project aimed at commissioning the development of OER courses identified by participating institutions. Organisations receive more in return for their single course investment.
Agile wOERkflow Strategic priority: OER development process. A project aimed at supporting and promoting agile workflow processes for ease of use in the creation, reuse and remix of OER across multiple OER projects and technologies.
Active Community Engagement (ACE) Strategic Priority: OERganization Development & TransfOERmation

A project aimed at supporting institutions to engage stakeholders internally and externally to (1) create sustainable OER communities within organizations; (2) share promising practices; and (3) create, use, adapt, remix and adapt OERs. Outcomes include: cost reduction; increased collaboration and flexibility; professional development opportunities; and active sharing of promising OER practices.

Resources for Open Content Licensing Strategic priority: OER support materials and professional development. A collaboration between the OpenCourseWare Consortium and the OER Foundation to develop guidelines and corresponding support materials for educators in taking informed open licensing decisions incorporating opportunities for professional development.
OERganization Development Strategic priority: OER training, mentoring and coaching for institutions. A project aimed at supporting institutions to incorporate OERs in their practices and curriculum development; supporting faculty through professional development; and keeping the momentum going for change, self-organizing systems, emergent behaviour and organization transfOERmation.