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The OER Foundation, with generous funding support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation welcome you to our exciting projectPDF down.png to advance OER remix opportunities among open content projects.

Connexions, WikiEducator and the Wikimedia Foundation projects constitute the world's largest database of free (libre) content using Creative Commons licenses approved by the Free Cultural Works Definition. Philosophically compatible licensing, knowledge and experience of these open communities and the power of open source software (specifically the Mediawiki and Rhaptos open content engines) provide fertile ground to advance remix and OER content interoperability.

We aim to provide educators with greater freedom of choice to mix and match the best of two OER worlds, namely "producer-consumer" models with more traditional work flow approaches and commons-based peer production. This will contribute to improved collaboration among mainstream OER projects and communities thus differentiating ourselves from closed content approaches where remix is not a viable or scalable alternative.


Project objectives

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We aim to improve OER remix opportunities and collaboration by building capability to:

  1. Export a Connexions page or content module into WikiEducator/Mediawiki installation for collaborative wiki editing.
  2. Import a Wikieducator/Mediawiki page or content collection into Connexions for enhanced work flow and hosting of static instances of wiki produced content.
  3. Enhance the pedagogical capability of both platforms by defining education elements (iDevices) as identifiable components of digital OERs which will facilitate manipulation of the presentation (how to teach) from the content (what to teach) in different reuse scenarios.

Get involved

Get connected and help make OER futures happen! The OER Foundation subscribes to open philanthropy where we collaborate openly and transparently in building OER futures the wiki way. We invite WikiEducators, Connexions contributors and educators interested in OER to help us co-design, plan and implement the project. Together we can achieve far more than working alone. Join the Connexions Community List, register a WikiEducator account, and contribute.


News and events

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Taking OER remix to new levels. We need your help and invite WikiEducators, Connexions authors and Wikimedia Foundation editors to assist with our needs analysis.

Our discussion list feed

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