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Learning in a Digital Age Hindi translation project

Community project team

Prospective participants are invited to add their names to the community list below:

Communication platforms

  • Discussion forum: Discourse (OERu India category)
  • Social media: Mastodon (OERu instance)


(Need to trial most effective approach, i.e. translating in Word-processor then uploading in the wiki or translating directly in the wiki.)


Task list


  1. Translate wiki pipes on the Outline page into Hindi (For example: e.g. [[Learning_in_a_digital_age/LiDA103_hi/Start|यहाँ से प्रारंभ करें]] - Note leave the base URLs in English. These pages will be used to populate translated pages in the wiki later in the process.)
  2. Translate the "Why open matters" learning pathway to refine process recommendations for the translation project (What is the best approach, what did we learn from the process to inform the rest of the project.)


Translation conventions

  • Leave base wiki page urls in English - Only translate the pipe / wiki label, for e.g. [[Learning_in_a_digital_age/LiDA103_hi/Start|यहाँ से प्रारंभ करें]]

Course materials