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Understanding the learning outcomes of the papers you are seeking assessment for; Practice Context and Learning and Teaching in Practice and presenting them

Its time now to think about how to present your application to the panel. Your assessment is likely to have two major components:

  • a presentation
  • a portfolio

Using learning outcomes to structure your submission

Understanding the learning outcomes of the papers you are seeking assessment for will help you work out how to structure your portfolio. They can be used as the framework for your submission. Remember your learning journey has been through your practice, so your presentation is not going to look or sound the same as a learner who has been taught these papers. Have confidence in your integrated understandings about your context.

Experience is a powerful learning space.

The learning outcomes for the two courses you are going to APL against can be found here; Practice Context, Learning and Teaching in Practice.

Keep these learning outcomes close to you as an important reference.

Structuring your application for assessment

Now that you have thought about your learning over the years it is time to decide how t structure your presentation and in what format it will occur.

It is important to organise your thoughts clearly at this point. You are needing to determine a structure, but to give yourself time to do this. It is often an iterative process and it is always linked to the ongoing nature of your reflective process. Organise your thoughts clearly and ensure their linkages make sense. Be orderly in this work, but allow for ideas that were once separate to suddenly have a connection.

Be careful not to be overly descriptive and miss the focus of your learning. The analysis of learning is one of the most important parts of your application for assessment. Remember it is not just what you have learnt but, more importantly you must provide some analysis and discuss how you have applied and reflected your understandings in practice. Analysing your learning involves asking yourself what the significance of your learning is for a range of affected groups such as learners and colleagues and the institution you work for.