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A transnational network of educators providing joint learning experiences for their students

Project Aims

The project aims to embed learning modules into pre-service education degrees to meet the needs of both domestic and international students by enhancing their capacity to produce, transfer and engage with internationalising knowledge.

This will be achieved by a network of universities developing a shared learning framework for the delivery of sociology of education units based on the pedagogy of production, transfer and exchange of international knowledge between domestic and international, regional and urban students. The network will facilitate institutional pairing arrangements for course delivery and will be designed to allow new organisations to easily join and be sustainable after the end of the grant period.

During the course of the project potential new network members such as Australian and international universities and Australian and international professional teaching associations will be actively sought.

In the medium to longer term, this project also aims to:

  • expand the model learning design and resources to make it relevant for in-service teacher development as either professional development short courses or more formally through postgraduate studies; and
  • research the medium- and long-term impact of the program on graduates after one or two years of teaching practice.

Who we are

Research Team

Project Leader

Dr Laurence Tamatea (University of New England, School of Education) Senior Lecturer - ltamatea@une.edu.au  

Project Partners

Dr Keita Takayama (University of New England, School of Education) - ktakayama@une.edu.au 

Professor Michael Singh (University of Western Sydney, Centre for Educational Research) - m.j.singh@uws.edu.au  

Dr Phan Le Ha (Monash University) - ha.phan@monash.edu.au

Bobby Harreveld (Central Queensland University) - b.harreveld@cqu.edu.au

Lynne Li (RMIT University) - lynne.li@rmit.edu.au

Patrick Danaher (University of Southern Queensland) - Patrick.Danaher@usq.edu.au

Jennifer Munday (Charles Sturt University) - JMunday@csu.edu.au

Wendy Green (University of Queensland) - w.green@uq.edu.au

Reference Group


Betty Leask, ALTC National Teaching Felllow (UniSA) - betty.loeask@unisa.edu.au

Vernon Crew, Director English Language and International Services (UNE) - vcrew@une.edu.au

Lily Yuen, National Student Officer (International Section), National Union of Students

Representative from Teaching and Learning Centre (UNE)

Anja Kirberg, Department of Educational Research and Educational Management (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)

Gavin Sanderson, Former President and life member ISANA (International Education Association)

Project Evaluator

Lynne Chapman (University of New England) - lchapman@une.edu.au

Project Manager

Sue Watson (University of New England) - swatso30@une.edu.au

Our roles as project members

Project Leader
The project leader will oversee the project and take responsibility for ensuring the completion and achievement of the project’s stated outcomes, governance of the project, preparation of the final report and dissemination of information about the project outcomes. He will expand the project plan taking account of the established vision and stated aims and outcomes of the project, direct the work of the project manager/research assistant, liaise with the partners, reference group, roundtable facilitator and key stakeholders, distribute information and report on performance. He will also help fully develop and manage the evaluation process and strategy throughout the term of the project.

Project partners
Project partners will assist in the project activities, including taking responsibility for ensuring the completion and achievement of the project's stated outcomes, contributing to the governance of the project, preparation of the final report and dissemination of information about the project outcomes. The team members will meet on a monthly basis by videoconference and/or telephone, with a two day face-to-face retreat in July each year.

Reference Group
The reference group will be expected to attend some of the project meetings (via videoconferencing), provide feedback on emergent research issues, collaborate in discussions regarding this project findings and the dissemination of the final results. The reference group will be invited to attend the symposium (via videoconference or possibly face-to-face) and provide additional feedback on discussions that might emerge during the event.

Project Evaluator
The evaluator will undertake the evaluation iteratively throughout the project, playing both an evaluative and advisory role. The evaluator will view sample classes, conduct interviews/focus groups with students and project partners, seek and compile existing documentation, attend and participate in the roundtables, review outcomes and conduct surveys (with ethics approval) to gather qualitative and quantitative data from the project participants and other key stakeholders, as appropriate. Data will be analysed and reported in relation to the evaluation criteria.

Project Manager
The Project Manager will provide overarching project management, including responsibility for ensuring the project meets key milestones and provide financial management support to facilitate accurate record keeping aligned with the university and ALTC acquittal processes. The project manager will also establish a shared web-space for the project partners that will be used to contain all communication, other data, an Endnote Library and minutes from meetings; and undertake other administrative tasks, as required, such as organising both online and face-to-face events. As the research assistant they will collate literature, prepare position papers, and assist with organising surveys and forums.