DEHub/Resources/Teaching and Learning OERs/Resizing photos and images for Windows XP users

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Resizing photos and images for Windows XP users: Step 1

Learning outcomes

This quick tips paper outlines how to open the application Picture Manager in Microsoft Office and use the resize and compress tools to adjust an image or photo to suit your document or web site.

1. First you will have to open Microsoft Office Picture Manager.The icon is like this:PMIcon.gif

ProgramXPO oer1.jpg

If it does not appear in the Task Bar on your desktop go to the Start menu at the botom left hand corner of the screen and select Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools > and find the Picture Manager application.

As you may be resizing many images it is advisable to add the Shortcut to the Desktop.

2. To open the application double click on the ShortcutPMIcon.gif in the Task Barband the Picture Manager window will open.