الصفحة الرئيسية

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نحن نشغّل التّقسيم الرّقمي إلى الحصص الرّقمية باستخدام المحتوى المجاني و الشبكات المفتوحة. نتمنّى بأنّك ستلتحق بنا.

مرحبا بكم في مربي ويكي

غرض مربي ويكي

مربي ويكي هو جالية ناشئة تنوي التعاونية:

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رجاءا إلتحق بنا في تطوير المحتوى التربوي المجّاني و المفتوح للعالم!


مربي ويكي هو جالية دينامية و مثيرة من المربين التي تعتقد بشكل عاطفي بأنّ مواد التعلّم يجب أن تكون مجّانية و مفتوحة للجميع.إفحص الأدوار المثيرة في جاليتنا.

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في الأخبار

Otago Poly Logo small.gif
Web conference: Leigh Blackall from Otago Polytechnic, in conjunction with Terra Incognita invite WikiEducators to join a synchronous web conference on Friday, December 7, 2007 at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time (or Friday December 7th at 17:00 Greenwich Mean Time or 9:00 Pacific Standard Time).
WC logo.jpg
A prominent WikiEducator, Leigh Blackall talks about educational development at Otago Polytechnic over at Terra Incognita. The planning and scheduling of this OSS and OER series is hosted on WikiEducator.
Cape Town OE Declaration.png
The Cape Town Open Education Declaration will officially launch in January 2008. We encourage all WikiEducators to consider being listed as a signatory
WikiEducator posts a contribution on Wikipedia's fundraising blog as an active member of the free knowledge community explaining how donations to the Wikimedia Foundation can expand access to education in the developing world.
Otago Poly Logo small.gif
Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand confirms its ongoing commitment to WikiEducator. The Tour Guiding project of the Diploma of Applied Travel and Tourism, one of many WikiEducator projects at the Poly , has been granted further funds for salaried development work in 2008 ... more

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diversity, freedom, innovation, transparency, equality, inclusivity, empowerment, human dignity, wellbeing and sustainability.

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WikiEducator is a community resource supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) for the development of free educational content.
COL is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies.
