Workgroup:Wikimaster criteria
From WikiEducator
The purpose of this Workgroup is to:
- The WikiMaster community certification initiative was established to acknowledge skills achievements and to earn community kudos in preparation for the Learning4Content training initiative.
- A draft Policy for skills certification was posted to the group list on 15 Feb 2008 inviting comment and feedback
- WE took a decision to hold back on specifying the criteria for the levels of WikiTrainer and WikiMaster until the community had more experience for specifying the criteria for these levels.
- The popularity of the certification system has resulted in the existing criteria up to the level of WikiArtisan been applied as a de facto practice in WikiEducator's activities with numerous volunteer certifiers implementing the draft procedures.
- Jim Tittsler has trialled a bot application which harvests an generates a list of certified users from the corresponding category pages for each level of the typology. These categories are automatically inserted on the user page of individuals certified.
Current challenges
- We do not have an identifiable list of community certifiers who volunteer to monitor the Request for certification page and award certification requests from the community -- we should consider adding this as a criterion for the WikiTrainer certification level.
- We do not have a list of criteria for the WikiMaster level -- this workgroup should consider developing a set of proposed criteria in consultation with the WikiEducator community.
- We need to operationalise the listing of certified users in the main namespace.
- Request to consider renaming "master" certifications using a gender-neutral term. See discussion thread on google groups: Nomenclature for WikiMaster.
- Nellie Deutsch
- Gladys Gahona
- Wayne Mackintosh
- Rob Kruhlak
- --Dr. Gita Mathur 08:17, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
- --Patricia Schlicht 17:37, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
- Add your names here
Definitions of Terms
Skills Required
Advanced Levels of Certifications
- Online Facilitation
- Face-to-Face Facilitation
Statement of purpose
The Workgroup charter
The charter is open to development but may address the following:
- Identification information: name of Workgroup, link to WikiEducator Workgroup page,
- What is the purpose for creating this workgroup? Include a list of Workgroup objectives.
- List of participants and participant skills; Are any additional skills needed?
- How do you plan to communicate among Workgroup members?
- What outcomes are expected (include proposed projected completion dates, if desired)?
- Practicality and Fit:
- Does this Workgroup require financial resources?
- Are there any legal issues that might be of concern?
- Are there any security risks or technological dependencies which might be difficult to support?
- How will the Workgroup process and outcomes align with core?
Assistance to Workgroup
A live discussion is going on in the Google discussion Group regarding 'gender' indications in WikiMaster terminology. Some suggestions are:
- WikiGuru
- WikiWiz
- WikiChampion
Let us work it out & take a decision. Please add your views here.--Dr. Gita Mathur 18:21, 25 July 2010 (UTC)