Planning pages

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  1. Nominations for a name for the proposed WikiEducator community college - ended by the close of business on 10 May, 2012.
  2. Rough consensus poll seeks to gauge opinion on the scope of the proposed initiative and preferred name for the initiative based on submissions made by the community - going on - target date: by the close of business on 19 May, 2012.
  • List key elements of the development of the idea with links to the main posts on the discussion lists

Project plan

Sl No. Activity End date
1 Nominations for a name for the proposed WikiEducator community college 10 May, 2012
2 Rough consensus poll seeks to gauge opinion on the scope of the proposed initiative and preferred name for the initiative based on submissions made by the community 19 May, 2012
3 Announcement of the rough consensus poll results 21 May, 2012
4 Constituting a WikiEduator Community College Workgroup to suggest interim business procedure and functions of the WE community college 31 May, 2012

List closing dates for subphases of the project here with links to relevant pages in the wiki.

Initiation by Anil Prasad via WikiEducator's Discussion Lists

  1. Email threads and start of initiative using the WikiEducator Main Discussion Forum
  2. Email threads and start of initiative using the WikiEducator Teacher Collaboration Forum