VirtualMV/Internet & Web development (2)/Course materials/Building Web Site/Programming

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VmvIcon Objectives.png

By the end of this page you will be able to:

  • Describe Client side and Server side programming
  • Once you have planned your site and created the content and graphics, you will need to convert your information into a Web-readable form.
    • Client side coding in HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript
    • Server side programming
      • Database Support (MySQL, Ms-SQL, Oracle, Sybase)
      • Application programming (PHP, ASP, CGI)
Client-Server Ecosystem. A high level model of interaction between hardware and software when communicating on the Internet.

VmvIcon References.png References

virtualMV  |  Superquick wiki guide  |  Please give me some feedback

VirtualMV/Internet & Web development (2)/Course materials/Building Web Site/Programming. (2024). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from http:    (zotero)