VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Examples/Screen animation

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The ability to record what you are doing on the screen is an important tool for online demonstrations. There are many available, some are free, others have limitations on the free version, and some you will pay for. Also some run in the cloud and save the video file online, others record and save to your desktop.


BB FlashBack

Camtasia (Tech Smith)

There is a demo version available but this is a paid version. Allows for Screen capture that includes a spotlight around the cursor. Also has an editor that enables managing Green Screening (invisible backgrounds - or replacing the backgrounds)

Captivate (Adobe)

A little more complex that Camtasia tends to work best to create a "Flash" movie. Because of this does allow for interactivity to be added to the move later on. However, flash is not well supported by either Google (Chrome browser) or Apple (iPad) so best to save as a movie file


used by Windows Gamers to screen/video capture

  • Screen Capture and realtime video capture

Jing (Tech Smith)

  • Free to use
  • Allows both capturing a still screen image and video recording with a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Saves file as an swf which can be uploaded to the jing web site (maximum of 2GB free storage) or copied to your hard drive

Screen-o-matic ( )

  • It provides a free web-based recorder. You can download a standalone version from here:
  • Either provide for recording up to 15 minutes of video from your screen, with or without audio from your computer's microphone. Editing is limited to trimming the beginning and/or the end from the video before you save it as a mp4. For a small annual fee of $15, you can do longer recordings, record directly from the computer's audio and have access to more editing features.
  • From KenY: I've tried a short video then I tried to attach it. Unfortunately, it seemed to confuse Moodle as it tried to play it using Quick Time, which I don't have on my system but the video played just fine with Windows Media Player. Do a short trial for yourself and ensure that it 'works' in your environment.

Screen presso


Free Screen Capture tool like snag-it

Snag-it (Tech-Smith)

Originally designed to screen grab (still images) now has a recording feature.

2012 DLT Class Screencasts

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VirtualMV/Digital Learning Technologies/Examples/Screen animation. (2025). In WikiEducator/VirtualMV wiki. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from http:    (zotero)