Course schedule
Five things you can do before starting the #OCL4Ed workshop
General course information
- This is an asynchronous course divided into 5 sessions. You should aim to spend approximately 1 to 1.5 hours per session at times which suite your own schedule. We have allocated 2 working days for each session in OCL4Ed.
- The course materials are designed for guided self-study with opportunities for peer-support from your facilitators and fellow participants using microblog and discussion forum posts.
- At the start of each session, your facilitators will post a preview of the session's activities for the 2 days allocated for each session. (Remember that we are working across 24 time zones, so you may receive your instructions a little ahead of your own time zone. You should participate according to the dates in your local time zone.)
- Our free online courses usually attract hundreds of participants worldwide. Meet new friends and share your experiences. You will get the most from this course by sharing your thoughts, ideas and experiences with fellow participants using microblog notes and posts to the discussion forums on Google + (you will need a gmail account).
- We provide an aggregated feed of #OCL4Ed posts from Twitter, WikiEducator notes and blog posts which you can also access from the Course Dashboard.
- The course tag for Twitter and Blog posts is: #OCL4Ed (You must add this tag to your posts which is used to harvest your contributions in the aggregated feed.)
Session 1
Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 Dec 2012
Why does open matter in education? Learning pathway: Educators care: Why open matters (Part 1) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If you have just joined us, you should set up your personal learning environment including a microblog account and course blog (see Orientation session). You can use WEnotes, twitter or Google+ for the microblog activities. We begin with a welcome from Stephen Downes followed by a short reflective reading on teaching as a vocation and profession. We look forward to reading your thoughts on the discussion activity. We commence our journey into open content licensing for educators by asking participants what they consider fair and reasonable practice using an online survey. We will wrap up Session 1 with a reflection on the meaning of freedom in education and you will share your thoughts with the group using microblog posts. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources to work through
Learning activities
Session 2
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 Dec 2012
What constitutes an open educational resource? Learning pathway: Educators care: Why open matters (Part 2) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During Session 2 we consider issues associated with the ownership of ideas in education in a digital world. We introduce and define the concept of Open Education Resources (OER). While working through the materials below, we encourage participants to share their thoughts and reflections with the group via one of the microblogging tools: WEnotes, twitter or Google+. Remember to include the #OCL4Ed tag which is used to harvest posts for the aggregated course feed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources to work through
Learning activities
Session 3
Friday 7 and Monday 10 Dec 2012
What can educators legally copy in an online world? Learning pathway: Copyright: Your educational right to copy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During Session 3 we explore the fundamentals of copyright including: the history, what copyright protects, who owns your copyright and how copyright works in an international context. This is pre-requisite knowledge to understanding your rights and how open content licensing works. There are a few taster quizes embedded in the course materials and we invite you to share your thoughts on WEnotes, twitter or Google+ using the #OCL4Ed tag as you work through and reflect on the materials. We conclude with a case study (with feedback to the core questions) and a reflective discussion activity. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources to work through |
Learning activities
Session 4
Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 Dec 2012
How can educators refine their copyright for sharing knowledge? Learning pathway: Creative Commons unplugged | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During Session 4 we introduce the free legal tools provided by Creative Commons which educators can use to refine their copyright. The Session starts with a video signpost from Cathy Casserly of Creative Commons. We will explain how Creative Commons works and introduce the six licenses. Finally you will learn about the compatibility among the different licenses. We invite participants to share their thoughts and experiences WEnotes, twitter or Google+ using the #OCL4Ed tag. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources to work through |
Learning activities
Session 5
Thursday 13 and Friday 14 Dec 2012
What license should I use for open educational resources I create? Learning pathway: The right license | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During Session 5 we will consider recommendations on the choice of license for OER from the perspective of the OER Foundation, a "pro-freedom" educational charity. We will consider the Creative Commons licenses which meet the requirements of the free cultural works definition derived from the "essential freedoms" and why these are important for education. We conclude with technical issues which educators should consider in parallel with the choice of license. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources to work through
Learning activities