User talk:Tatupu

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Thursday's workshop008:47, 5 September 2008
«no subject»008:44, 5 September 2008
How are you today008:31, 5 September 2008

Thursday's workshop

Hi Tatupu,

Didn't bring any photos. Yes choir today and remember to bring that young and upcoming choir member to practice.

Samara (talk)08:47, 5 September 2008

«no subject»

When is the next Curriculum sub committee meeting? I feel a bit out of touch!

Tili Afamasaga (talk)08:44, 5 September 2008

How are you today

Hi Tatupu,

How is Wikiwiki woo doing with you today? I feel like a wikiwiki poo haha

Samara (talk)08:31, 5 September 2008