User:Tili Afamasaga

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(Comment.gif: Tili great work and interesting to read. Thank you for your generous support. We value you and the Samoan community. I have certified you. Warm regards, Patricia)

Contact-new.svg Tili Afamasaga
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Other roles:COL Focal Point
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Pschlicht .
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for WikiEducator.

/My Sandbox
DFLResourceFormat for Samoa

Tili Afamasaga, Samoa,South Pacific

I am from a variety of small communities. During the week, I live in a typical South Pacific urban community where houses are separated by live fences of hibiscus plants but in the weekend, I am either in my small village or my husband's small village where physical boundaries are blurred as everyone is related either through kinship or by virtue of the traditional social structures. People move freely between houses and into houses which is fine as most houses are open.

Apia waterfront

I have been in education all my life as

  • classroom secondary teacher in Samoa
  • teacher educator, training pre and in service teachers
  • teachers'college principal
  • university administrator and lecturer.
Currently I am the Samoa COL Focal Point 

I am proud to be Samoan having been born on a small Pacific island yet have had access to the wide world through education, travel and the world wide web. Am also a proud grandmother of five (4 grandsons and 1 granddaughter) and mother of five.


My employer, the National University of Samoa is the sole mega tertiary institution in Samoa having amalgamated the former Nursing School, the Institute of Accounting, the Teachers College and the Samoa Polytechnic. NUS is made up of two intitutes, the Institute of Higher education and the Institute of Technical education and two Centres of Execellence, the Centre of Samoan Studies and the Oloamanu Centre of Prefessional Development and Continuing Education.

I am the director of the Oloamanu Centre which has a combined mandate of enhancing teaching and learning at the university as well as the delivery of professional development courses to upskill not only personnel in the public service but also private sector workers and those who work for non profit organisations. the development and enhancement of flexible and distance learning is a major part of the Oloamanu Centre

The Wikipedia technology has the potential to revolutionise delivery of training and education not only within the university but more so for the outreach to the communities in the public sector and other sectors in general. It is envisaged that through the wikieducator the Oloamanu Centre will be able to provide greater flexibility in delivery of its various programmes.

From the wheel to space travel to the world wide web, the possibilities are infinite in terms of teaching and learning. The wikieducator will make all these possibilities a potential reality for the people of the Pacific.