User talk:Baba

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Warm greetings from Mexico223:45, 8 April 2009
How make link Randy004:03, 28 February 2009
Baba005:38, 25 February 2009
Baba004:51, 25 February 2009
Baba004:51, 25 February 2009
Baba004:51, 25 February 2009
Baba testing myself in wiki skill004:36, 25 February 2009
Greetings!004:33, 30 January 2009

Warm greetings from Mexico

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 23:45, 8 April 2009

Hi{{Glady /I am back now in office I was busy making a film with some Canadian here in The Gambia and now we have finish the production \

I hope to hear from you soon.

Chela5808 (talk)14:11, 25 February 2009

Hi Chela5808,

How are you I am happy you are guiding me too well I would be very if you also could help me if you want you can call me on skype and my skype name is baba.jallow2. Thise is my skype name so hope our time also are the same monst of the time I have time problem here by the time I contacting people of wikieducator the I am also closing here. I started my working time by 8 AM and I close 4:30PM, so if you can call me before I close office then I can have a lot idea from you, in here we did not have computers in our home's as most people have in Eropean country, in The Gambia even electrycity is a problem here even myself I do't have electrycity in my house so only depand on my office and when I am in office then I can use the internet.

But I would be very happy if you also can do some help to me, as I give you my skype name you can add me and then call from 8:AM to 4:30PM these are the time I would be in office after 4:30PM, I would left office.

thank you so much


Baba Jallow

Baba (talk)23:04, 5 March 2009

Hi Baba,

Thanks for your message. I'd love to talk with you soon on skype, my skype is chela5808. I've been reading something about your country, it seems to me a very interesting place :) Thanks to you Baba Gladys Gahona--chela5808 21:53, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)10:53, 12 March 2009

How make link Randy

Hi Randy I want to make Link, but I can not so can you please help me baba

Baba (talk)04:03, 28 February 2009

Hi Randy did you see the pictures I add in my account

Baba (talk)05:38, 25 February 2009

Hi I have try to click were you tell me, but I could not go through please help me

Baba (talk)04:51, 25 February 2009

Hi I have try to click were you tell me, but I could not go through please help me

Baba (talk)04:51, 25 February 2009

Hi I have try to click were you tell me, but I could not go through please help me

Baba (talk)04:51, 25 February 2009

Baba testing myself in wiki skill

Hi Randy, Can you see what I am doing here if it is correct

Baba (talk)04:36, 25 February 2009


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Greetings Baba

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Anil Prasad 15:33, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)04:33, 30 January 2009