Community Empowerment Media projects

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Community Empowerment Media projects

The Community Empowerment Collective (CEC) is a web-based not-for-profit association working to produce, translate, and make available free training material for strengthening communities to combat poverty. The CEC training starts with the idea that capacity is developed when the community is stimulated to develop itself, and emphasises “How-to” rather than theory about the empowerment methodology.

Community Empowerment <kaltura-widget kalturaid='0_jcb9tsd9' size='M' align='R'/>For the Media project, produce one or more video clips, perhaps 4 to 5 minutes long, of training material, using the same topics and issues as now included on our static web pages. Many people are more oral/aural than written language communicators. The clips would be aimed at community workers in such societies.

  • This "script is about 3600 words long so it would take about 30 minutes to read out load. Select a chunk of text that addresses a topic, prepare a summary of approximately 500 words.
  • record your narration, add pictures.

If you speak one of the other languages listed, you can produce your video in that language, based on the script provided.